I my LFS!!!


This place just keeps getting better and better. The guy is now getting in frags that run from 5 to 8 dollars (thats $5.00 to $8.00 US - LOL). He doesnt have a single coral over 19.99 and gets nearly 200 new ones in per week. I have seen everything from HIGH priced corals down to button polyps go through that store without a single one ever being over 19.99. All of them are healthy also. He has a Lavyiaaaa......whatever, Brain that I am thinking of getting that is green circles with red eyes.
He had some cup, plate and acropora frags today along with some I think they were called sunburst polyps or something and a watermelon mushroom frag....all 5 bucks.


He has shops in Montana, Utah and Colorado
The reason that I like him is because he makes this hobby "do-able" for me. 3 bucks a pound for fully cured live rock. This guy though, MAN is he great. He got in 1200 pounds of Fiji Live Rock last week and still keeps telling people that it isnt cured yet so he wont sell it. I have seen the container myself so know it is actually there. My trochus snails were 1.45, my nass vibex and dwarf hawaiin zebras were 99 cents. The coral that I had to "glue" to a rock today, my Kenya Leather Tree Coral, was 17 bucks. Then I purchased a small yellow plate frag from him that was 7. And some odd looking star polyps for 19.
Just all around good business management.


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