i need a cetain fish

i likefish

New Member
i have a 30 gal tank with 3 fish, a tomato clown, neon dottyaack and a sleeper goby. i need a fish that will get alone and eat moss alge. none of my other fish do. please give me some fish suggestions.


Flameback angel. Small, not aggressive and eats algae as good as a LMB!


Active Member
Originally Posted by I likefish
sorry about the spelling, typing a long post on a psp is a pain
hey, i knwo who you are
are you goign to the meeting on sunday?
blennies are awsome, i dont ahve one, but want one and have heard so many good things. just make sure you get one that will eat algae sheets also.
you can always do emerald crabs also.
or better yet, feed less so you have a low nutrient system! a larger clean up crew will help. getting a fish only slows down the progression, but fixing your nutrient levels will stop it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
hey, i knwo who you are
are you goign to the meeting on sunday?
blennies are awsome, i dont ahve one, but want one and have heard so many good things. just make sure you get one that will eat algae sheets also.
you can always do emerald crabs also.
or better yet, feed less so you have a low nutrient system! a larger clean up crew will help. getting a fish only slows down the progression, but fixing your nutrient levels will stop it.
couldn't say it any better than right here.


RO water(no phosphates)
skimmer(gets rid of free floating organic wastes before they are decomposed)
feed less
better cleanup crew
30-60 pounds live rock


I likefish, how much rock do you have?
do you use RO water?
moss grows on trees


you probably need twice as much rock, and RO water makes a huge difference. tap water can have phosphates, silicates, nitrates, heavy metals, etc. do you have a cleanup crew?

i likefish

New Member
most of my clean up died but i have a sea slug and i am getting snails and shrimp tomorrow thanks for the advice


i would add hermit crabs to the list. when you say snails, do you mean turbo, astrea, or nassarius?


i have heard nothing but good about nassarius snails. sorry, don't know much about bumblebee snails or sea slugs (nudibranches).


Active Member
wait, is it a nudibranch of a sea hare? often, people have to give away their sea hares cause they eat everything so fast and starve to death.
but your lack of using RO water is very possibly why your clean up crew hasnt been surviveing if you have heavy metals in your water. are you at least conditioning it? it will help, but not get your water to the quality that it needs to be.

i likefish

New Member
i have a sea hare most of my snails survive if they dont get eaten and my hermit crabs the same thing but my shrimp only last 6 month. Where can i get RO water?


if you don't buy an RO unit, which will save you time and money in the long run, you can get culligan water from wal mart or some grocery stores anywhere from 30 cents to 50 cents / gallon.

i likefish

New Member
now will the sea hare die of not enough alge and bad water.I have a lot of alge and it is very happy with eating all of the alge.


i would worry more about your water quality. no animal does well in poor water quality. your sea hare will be fine and actually better off with the RO water.