I Need A Fast Reply


I need a fast reply..Will a maroon clown and a flame angel a blue karan angel and a treadfin butterfly and a recoon butterfly get along in a 125g aquarium? Thanks for the help in advance.


Active Member
Why do you need a fast reply? You aren't going to purchase all of these fish at once, are you?
Tell us more about the tank and we may be able to answer this question a little better for you.


Its a FOWLR tank. I already have the maroon clown and the flame angel.I wanna buy the karan angel and the treadfin butterfly and a racoon butterfly.


Originally Posted by BrendaC
Its a FOWLR tank. I already have the maroon clown and the flame angel.I wanna buy the karan angel and the treadfin butterfly and a racoon butterfly.
I believe what Lion is concerned about is if you buy those three fish and add them at once, your bioload may shoot the ammonia up beyond your system's ability to deal with it, endangering all the tank's inhabitants.
If introduced one at a time, with sufficient time in between, then it merely comes down to a compatibility/tank size issue.


Active Member
It is not even a question if you ask me. Your tank will not be able to handle all three of those fish at once. If you get any kind of spike in any levels, one or both of the butterflies may and probably will perish.


2 angels in the same tank? Is that just for smaller tanks? SWF has an alert by all their angels, and I understood two angels in the same tank will fight, usually til somebody moves out!


Active Member
How old is your system? I'm not exactly sure, but some of those fish may need a more established tank. Anyone else know?
I definitely would not rush into adding them. Personally, I think it is fun to addd them slower, because once you've hit a full bioload you can't add anymore, so it's better to savor the moment anyway. Not to mention that adding fish too fast could end up doing more harm than good.


Active Member
All of those fish need a very established system of AT LEAST 6 months, but personally, I would think more along the lines of 12 months.


Originally Posted by inawe
2 angels in the same tank? Is that just for smaller tanks? SWF has an alert by all their angels, and I understood two angels in the same tank will fight, usually til somebody moves out!
I was thinking the same thing.