I need a few things ID


Hello everyone, I bought a evergreen starburst frag from a LFS and I noticed something else on the rock and I have no idea what it could be.
The other thing is that I bought a setup from some guy that had coral in it and I am curious what this is....


Active Member
Not sure about the second pic its not too clear. The first ones look like candy canes. Either that or some type of mushroom. In some of the pics there appears to be tenticles so thats why I said candy canes.


1st pics look like a galss anemone or carribean cup coral. Neither are harmful. Second pic it unclear to me. They are deffinately not candy canes

yosemite sam

Active Member
Yes, the first ones look like those little hitch hiking corals people get. What is the texture of the second thing? It could be a type of aglae called Botryocladia sp. There are some varieties that are very similar to that.


I have the ones in the first pics in my tank they dont seem to hurt anything. I do kill them everynow and then cause I dont want too many. They seem to multiply pretty fast. They dont get very big.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
Yes, the first ones look like those little hitch hiking corals people get.
I hope I am not giving misinformation about this Yosemite Sam. Thanks for the correction earlier. I have never been able to find a lot of information on these, I am pretty sure they are from the Caryophylliidae family, Paracyathus Stearnsi or Balanophyllia Elegans, similar to a sun coral or a dendro. Most that I have seen have been either clear or brownish in color. They are more like a solitary hard coral than an anenome(don't know why they are called this sometimes).No real special care, they will catch food with their tenticles, I don't think they contain zooxanthellae(not sure on this), so they should be fed zooplankton and meaty type foods if you want them to thrive, not just hang on. Again, never found anything "concrete" about these little guys, I guess I will keep searching for more information on these. I wish I had them in my current tank, have had them years ago, gave the rocks to a friend before we moved.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Originally Posted by trippkid
I hope I am not giving misinformation about this Yosemite Sam.
Don't worry! I am by no means an ID expert, I just wanted make sure the person on the other post got the right ID. I've never seen a ton of info on the little guys in the first pictures either. I thought one of the mods had posted an ID for them a long time ago, but I couldn't find it. Your IDs, if not them, look like they're pretty close
I did find a photo in the hitch hiker archive HERE (it's the 4th post down) that resembles the thing in the second group of photos. There's no ID for it in the post, however. Photos of some kinds of Botryocladia sp. are pretty close, though.