what do you want forom this book, jsut something on species, or building or starting up?
if you are looking for a good starter book, i read teh new marine aquarium by michael paletta, it is very easy to follow for even the newest most un seasoned marine aquariists, and walks through and explains everything step by step
as for lfs's remember one thing, althouhg they may seem ot have alot of good answers, all those answers reflect business($$),not so much what you may need or want but sales, most lfs's are solely init for the money, not the hobby, i have seen enough to know that i don't trust any 100% until i have a reson to, and them selling me alot of equipment i do not need is not earning it, marine systems are actually very basic, not complex and do ot need all kinds of neat gadgets, but simple structuring, sand and rock with good circulation beats most expensive filters in performance by a long shot, and if youtop that wiht a skimmer you can't beat it IMO
wha i am trying to say is before anyone listen to a businesssss on any advice, check here, much of it is not as good as you would think, and may not help one bit(sometimes it may even hurt)