I NEED a good fish for controling bristle worms!

big pat

I have a 75 gallon tank with...
1 yellow tang, 2 yellowtail bluedamels, 1 percula clownfish, and 2 pijama cardinalfish. I have a huge problem with bristle worms. What is a good peaceful fish that would fit in my tank and help control the population of bristlies in my tank?


sixline wrasse.
he'll eat all the small bristles... not the big ones though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
sixline wrasse.
he'll eat all the small bristles... not the big ones though.
Agreed. Most of the pseudocheilinus wrasses will eat small ones. Probem is that a new fish might be bothered by the damsels.
Sixlines can also be nasty once they mature, but your mileage may vary.


Active Member
I would also propose if you have a significant problem with what are effectively scavengers, that you assess the amount of food going into the tank.
You can remove all the one's you want...but if you still have food, it will always be a problem.

big pat

How about a fourline wrasse? Are they as hardy as sixline wrasse because I like the looks of the fourline wrasse better. Oh and sharkboy Relax your crack about the yellow tang, he'll be fine. Just take it easy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Big Pat
Oh and sharkboy Relax your crack about the yellow tang, he'll be fine. Just take it easy.


Active Member
I had a yellow pseudochromis about 1 1/2 yrs ago (got hid of it) that was awesome in the bristleworm department, large and small worms ,but also ate my nassarius snails and shrimp
Left the larger snails alone, go figure. Bad ass fish, very pretty and fast, but nasty. If you don't have any ornamental shrimp you may be ok with this one. Left fish alone, but anything slower than him was lunch!!!
And get this... they say it is reef safe....monitor with shrimp. This taught me the true meaning of monitor with shrimp!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I would also propose if you have a significant problem with what are effectively scavengers, that you assess the amount of food going into the tank.
You can remove all the one's you want...but if you still have food, it will always be a problem.

I agree, if you reduce the poulation of scavangers with out reducing the amount of scavangings available your going to create water quality issues.


wana get rid of bristle worms?
get a pair of arrow crabs.


I had so many bristle worms that when ever i turned a powerhead on for the day. It would kick 10 or so worms out of my tank. My luck have it they were coral eaters or when they populated so far they started eating my zoos. I used a 6 inch pieces of pvc tube, cap it on both ends. Drill couple of 1/8 hole in it. Put piece of krill in and put a piece of fishing line on it to make it easy to pull out. I pull it out and pull out about 10 bristle worms a day. Zoo are look great now. If i spot feed some mysty shrimp to my python zoo, then worms would take it right out of their mouths. Got really bad. I over feed my tank and then got it under control. That's how i got such a big bristle worm population then no food, so they went after my corals.
But got them under control.


Originally Posted by Jesses89
wana get rid of bristle worms?
get a pair of arrow crabs.

Agree with this one. I had an arrow crab in my 90 for a while and it eat every worm it found. Was a very interesting crab too. and not expensive. I think I paid 15 bucks for one locally.

big pat

Arrow crabs are really cool...but my aquarium is a Pacific Ocean biotope and arrow crabs are from the Carribean. Thanks for the suggestion anyways. Are there any opinions on fourline wrasse? I like the looks of those more than the sixline.