Where I have issues are seperating a sentence fragment from the rest of the sentence.
For example an easy one would be...
My father makes wine comma which is his favorite drink.
Easy cause I can easily see that "which is his favorite drink is not complete therefore it's seperated by a comma.
a hard one to me would be...
My mother carpools her friends to work because they do not have cars.
Is there a comma before because or not?
And don't even get me started with semicolons.
For example an easy one would be...
My father makes wine comma which is his favorite drink.
Easy cause I can easily see that "which is his favorite drink is not complete therefore it's seperated by a comma.
a hard one to me would be...
My mother carpools her friends to work because they do not have cars.
Is there a comma before because or not?
And don't even get me started with semicolons.