I need a YELLOW fish... HELP!


Here is my stock list: 2 perc clowns, 1 midas blenny, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 pajama cardinal. I have a 35 g which limits my selection. I was thinking about a lemonpeel angelfish, but what else could I get?! I need some color in my tank!!!! Haha thanks


The midas i ordered from this site does have a hint of yellow( i know they change colors) but it is mostly grey and hides in the rocks - only sticking its head out. I like him, dont get me wrong, but its not what I was expecting... and for some reason the royal gramma just doesnt hit the spot. Thank you for the suggestion though... anyone else with an opinion?


Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
I thought the midas blenny was a yellow fish

Well I have a Midas Blenny and its as yellow as they come.
As for Yellow fish...
Yellow clown goby
Royal gramma
Yellow Shrimp goby
Depending on your corals...
yellow coris wrasse (i think you might need a bigger tank)


i have the yellow fish must have bug also

in fact i cant have a tank without something yellow, even in my freshwater tank.
lemonpeels take the cake on the yellow beauty. they are more of a vibrant yellow than my yellow tang, especially with that blue rim around the eye.
they can be delicate though
for a 35g that would be my pick


A Bicolor dwarf angel is half blue and half yellow. Pretty fish. There's also a Herald's Dwarf Angel that's all yellow. Just out of curiosity, why the desire for a yellow fish? Is this some Fung Shwai thing, or your significant other just wants something yellow in the tank?




come on yellow fish are hot! they stand out from clear across the room like a banana

the blue and yellow bicolor is cool though
uncheels, do you desire yellow corals too? i got that yellow coral bug also, but i cant seem to keep those yellow leather corals alive. they always get that black necro thingy and die

hmm..maybe i should get a yellow backround instead of blue...

eek might look like mustard though, ferget it


Active Member
That's really pushing it tank size wise for any angelfish but with your bioload I would say no anyways. Yellow clown goby or firefish is all I can really think of.


tanks too small for a yellow tang
the yellow gobies are cute but they are easily harrased, especially if you add a blenny
keep you water quality up (water changes) and you shouldnt have any problems with a lemon peel
dwarf angels are reef safe but...some of them do nibble. i had a coral beauty that would go nuts for xenia. now the coral beauty i have has been well behaved, its a hit or miss with what they will nibble on


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
That's really pushing it tank size wise for any angelfish but with your bioload I would say no anyways. Yellow clown goby or firefish is all I can really think of.
I second this opinion. Lesley


i'm a big fan of the bundoon fang blenny. sounds wierd but i have one and it stays out in the open and has a good personality. doesn't fight with anything and is pretty.


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
I second this opinion. Lesley
i disagree with petjunkie although i'd get something else other than an angel.


Active Member
get a yellow chromis...I have two which have been in the tank for years, now mega chromis, think they are tangs.....