I Need Advise Im Scared!!!

Ok as some of you may know I have a starfish that isnt doing so well that I have been keeping a close eye on. Well last night when all of the lights were off and I was about to goto bed I took the light from my cell phone and put it up to the tank to make sure the star was still moving around the tank (which he was). But what I found scared the heck out of me. At over a foot long and the width of a index finger was a nasty looking worm with the body of what looked like a bristle star's legs. Now it may have even been longer then a foot because most of its body was still in a rock. It did not react to the cell phone light but when I threw on the tank light it quickly and I mean Flash Gordon Fast Went back into the rock which I believe is its home. Now what I am thinking is if it has gotten that big it must have been there for a while so most likely isnt of any harm to the tank. Am I right??? If given the chance should I try to remove it? and also is there any way of getting some specific light that fish cannot see so I can look more closely at him and maybe even get a picture. I must say this thing was so big that I had goosebumps


Active Member
Could be a giant bristle worm(fire worm), really big ones can sometimes bother corals. Usually they are no problem, they are scavengers. They will eat uneaten fish food, dead fish and inverts. Don't try to get it out if you decide, without some kind of hand or finger protection. The little bristles will stick you, and man does it hurt(burn). Use some tweezers or something to grab it, instead of your hand. You can try some moon lights, small led's in either white, blue or red. I have blue lights on one tank, and the other has white. I like the blue better. Did your worm look something like this, only much bigger?

Originally Posted by trippkid
Could be a giant bristle worm(fire worm), really big ones can sometimes bother corals. Usually they are no problem, they are scavengers. They will eat uneaten fish food, dead fish and inverts. Don't try to get it out if you decide, without some kind of hand or finger protection. The little bristles will stick you, and man does it hurt(burn). Use some tweezers or something to grab it, instead of your hand. You can try some moon lights, small led's in either white, blue or red. I have blue lights on one tank, and the other has white. I like the blue better. Did your worm look something like this, only much bigger?

Yes take that and multiply 3 times... Its a 40 gallon tank and he was almost from one end to the other when I first saw him he wasent as red though...
I read alot about bristle worms and how there good but one this big?? Good?
I will say this it is nasty looking but in over 3 years have never seen it.. Will using a flashlight with a red lense allow me to look at it without him seeing the light???


Active Member
Yes, that should work with the flash light. I had one about ten years ago in a 55, I swear it was 2.5-3ft long. It never bothered anything, so it stayed. They are very creepy when they are huge like that. They do vary in coloration. Just be careful if you decide to get him out, like I said the bristles burn like fire if they get stuck in your skin. As long as it is not bothering anything, I would probably just leave him do his thing, that is totally up to you, of course.



Active Member
I would say the red lens should help. I know it works for the "turtle watch" here in Cocoa Beach (turtles get scared during egg laying with regular flashlights). Give it a try and see what you can see.
I have read that they can bother sleeping fish when they are this big is this true... Would it be better to take him out or leave him be???


Active Member
If you are concerned about it, I would try and remove him. They do make traps for them, I have never used one, so I can't say how well they work. You can bait him with some food when the lights are off. A small plastic bottle(water bottle) with some food inside, lay it on its side. either cut the top off or bury it up to the opening, so the worm can get in easier. When it is all in there, slowly pull the trap out. Make sure most to all of him is out of his home. He may be able to or try to at least, retract back into his home if spooked. I wish some would catch some of my fish, mainly a Maroon Clown, bully of the tank and knocks my coral over daily. Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveChouinard
Thats crazy well my tank is a fish only tank so im unsure of what to do

I say leave it.


Yeah, if fish only I doubt this guy will be a probelm to you. he just comes out at night to scrounge but I don't think he would bother fish.


Active Member
That is one nasty worm. Reminds me of the some of the sand worms in the movies, or the one Sandy, from Spongebob, tries to wrangle.
Yea but my worry is him growing even bigger to the point that I to have a six foot monster lurking in my tank. If my girlfriend ever see's this thing shes gonna tell me she doesent want the tank in the house I know it... She hates Eeel's Snakes and worms. And this thing makes even the ugliest snake look like a good pet.
Also does it matter how bright of a flashlight with red lens I get or does the red cap make it totally invisible to them?


I don't think it is invisible to them, but it is not in the spectrum that would bother them so you should be able to use any with a red filter.


I have heard that one way to trap them is to take a raw shrimp, put it inside of a stocking (pantyhose) and tie it closed. Put the stocking into the tank on the botton and leave overnight. The bristles on the worm become entangled in the pantyhose fibers and you just pull the whole thing out in the morning.
I have never done this myself, but have heard it works.


Active Member
yes, I've heard that too, that way you don't have to stay up all night trying to catch it. Good idea.
You'll just have to explain why you need one of your GF's stockings or why it is in the tank. I think this is one of the better ways to try and catch the bugger.
I will give it a try.. I would rather have him out and replace him with something that will do the same job and wont scare the hell out of my girlfriend... Any idea's of what would do the same job yet be nicer to look at???