I Need Advise Im Scared!!!

OK so let me tell you if these things freak you out dont look at your tank with a red light there are about 4 different types of worms and about 50 of them and some myst shrip but so far I have one in the trap just dont know if hes entangled. I think im gonna put the bait a little further down the stocking because it doesent seem to be getting cought in it


Active Member
There is kind of like a whole new tank of different creatures that come out at night. Forgot to mention that to you earlier, I look at my tank in the dark all of the time, my moon lights let me see some, then I break out the flashlight too. Good luck with catching the worm.

Well let me tell you it was one hell of a night... I have been out smarted by a worm. It ate the shrimp in the trap and didnt get tangled in the pantyhose.
I dont think I twisted them enough because streched out he is long and thing and I set it out for the width of about a nightcrawler, but I will try again.
Theres only one big bristle worm the rest of the worms arent as ugly and alot smaller. I will say its kinda cool because I thought I only had 2 fish and a Starfish in my tank but thats not the case at all between the worms and the myst shrimp theres quite alot of activity in the tank once the lights go out.
After watching the bristle worm for a bit its not as scary looking and I almost dont want him out now, but the hunt is fun as well

Does the bristle worm ever take his whole body out of the rock because it seem he can reach the whole tank while still haveing a piece of his body in the rock which makes it quick for him to pull himself back in it when I went for him with the tongs


Active Member
They can be tricky that way. Maybe put the trap as far away as you can, if it is out munching on the food, try and snatch him with your tongs, tweezers, hemostats, whatever. Try to grab it close to his hole, you might be able to get enough of him that it can't go back in the hole. Good luck, the quest continues.


If you know where he is take that piece of rock out put it in a bucket wait till its the middle of the night and yank the rock out of the bucket really fast maybe he will be out of the rock in the bucket wondering what happened. If that doesn't work i'd spray the rock out with fresh water if you really want him gone that bad :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by rolxism
If you know where he is take that piece of rock out put it in a bucket wait till its the middle of the night and yank the rock out of the bucket really fast maybe he will be out of the rock in the bucket wondering what happened. If that doesn't work i'd spray the rock out with fresh water if you really want him gone that bad :)
if you're going to do that just take the rock out of the dt then dip it in a high sality salt water and they will usually leave the rock.
OK I tried to Speer him with a pin and he snapped in 2
. Now will the other half grow a mouth or die???

heres a bad shot but you can see about half of him he is stealing food from my star