i need fish suggestions that are cheap and hardy fish


i want to know about some fish that are cheap to buy and hardy fish
first of all, i have a rusty angel and a royal gramma that r doing fine
i want neutral fish that are not agressive, not jumpers and hardy
because i just lost a $50 flame hawk that jumped out of a 2in x 1in hole in my QT cover
i am thinking of pricing of about $25 or less
no angels, dottybacks, puffers, cardinals, basslets, or butterflies or damsels( unless chromis)
oh also i have a 75 gal tank
so no fish bigger than like 7-8 in
at my lfs there are these 2 bar gobies and they are $15 each.theyve been at the place for about 2 months+
are they good fish that will coexist with the other tankmates
plz tell me any other suggestions
i appreciate it


Active Member
I have read somewhere that they were, but with all my experience with bar gobies, I have never had one jump.


would one one those orangish gobies that r small be considered a goby shrimp pair
i think my lfs has one its like a orange striped ray goby or
white striped ray goby
it looks like a firefish cuz of the antennae


Active Member
if it swims around the top of the tank, and dosent burrow, then it probley wont pair with a shimp, if it is burrowing, and "hops" along the bottom it probley will pair with a shimp


i am so mad at myself
i have the worst luck ever with fish
the fish god must hate me
in my history of fish keeping i have had 14 fish
12 have died
i started with 2 clowns and a firefish
the firefish disappeared and we never found it( i think it jumped out and one of my cats got it)
after that we got a yellow tang and a rusty angel
the rusty angel died cuz it was like kind of floating around and couldn't swim idk?
then i got 3 blue chromis and a blackcap basslet
everything was fine for like 3 weeks and then all the fish died from ick within 10 days
i couldnt do anything cuz at the point i didnt no about ick
then i started over with get another rusty angel which rocks and then an awesome royal gramma which both are still alive today
we got 2 more clowns and they died within 3 days of getting them i dont know y.. maybe ick again
then we got our most recent fish the flame hawk that just jumped out a 2in x 1in opening a day b4 i was going to put it into my reg tank
so now i have a rusty angel and royal gramma
my parents are getting sick of all the fish dying and all the money im spending and are thinking of getting rid of the fish


Originally Posted by mcintyre92
i am so mad at myself
i have the worst luck ever with fish
the fish god must hate me
in my history of fish keeping i have had 14 fish
12 have died
i started with 2 clowns and a firefish
the firefish disappeared and we never found it( i think it jumped out and one of my cats got it)
after that we got a yellow tang and a rusty angel
the rusty angel died cuz it was like kind of floating around and couldn't swim idk?
then i got 3 blue chromis and a blackcap basslet
everything was fine for like 3 weeks and then all the fish died from ick within 10 days
i couldnt do anything cuz at the point i didnt no about ick
then i started over with get another rusty angel which rocks and then an awesome royal gramma which both are still alive today
we got 2 more clowns and they died within 3 days of getting them i dont know y.. maybe ick again
then we got our most recent fish the flame hawk that just jumped out a 2in x 1in opening a day b4 i was going to put it into my reg tank
so now i have a rusty angel and royal gramma
my parents are getting sick of all the fish dying and all the money im spending and are thinking of getting rid of the fish
How big is the tank?
How long has it been setup?
How long has it been setup before you added the fishes?
Do you have a test kit to test water paramaters?
What are the results of the water parameters?


Originally Posted by AnthonyNYC
How big is the tank?
How long has it been setup?
How long has it been setup before you added the fishes?
Do you have a test kit to test water paramaters?
What are the results of the water parameters?
its a 75 gallon tank
its been set up a year in feb (started in feb 05)
i added fish about 3weeks- 1month after set up
yes i have a test kit
the water parameters have always been fine every time i tested it
i even had 2 lfs test it and they both said it was fine
i just dont have good luck