i need food for my kids lol


hey guys
i was wondering if anyone knows a good website to order from for silversides for my fish. i prefer sally's silversides they don't smell at all lol ... my local pet shop wants too much money for it
hes asking for $20.00 16 oz
thank you


New Member
Try (sorry, no links) You do have to order bulk, so it's best to get a few people that needs some food also. I was told that Silverside is only harvested a few months out of the year so it's best to stock up. I had a problem finding it Jan.-July of this past year and was informed of this.
Good Luck


Active Member
Lora do a search on "sand eels" and you'll find a good vendor. Just look for locals who then can help you out. Unfortunately these things are seasonal. But, I'm told the season is about to some back in. Ordering up a year's supply this time. Good Luck!