I need help ASAP!


I am losing a war to hair algea. I've won some battles when it died down a little. I actually just got new lights. I cut light time back from 11 hours to 8. I use only RO water. Parameters are perfect. Fish are healthy. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THIS STUFF??? Its everywhere, its even starting to take over my GSP. I keep syphoning off all i can, then pulling off the rest, and a week later when I do another water change, it is all back again. Should I leave lights off for a couple days to see if there is a change? Any other ideas? Tanks is 55 Reef, so I dont know about leaving lights off for extended time. BUT I NEED HELP! Thanks


I'm not over feeding (ive already battled red slime for overfeeding, won that battle). And every reason people tell me on here either hasnt worked, or is something i'm not doing. And I'm really starting to get annoyed! haha i need help.


Have you tested for phosphates? do you test your RO water for phosphates?
What are your actual water readings? How much flow do you have?


Possibley poor flow. I was haveing some difficulty with my 55 cornor reef I increased the flow and added another power head. although the problem is not gone its 99.9% better and its only a matter of time before I have it beat


I've had/have several emeralds. no good. Ill tell u exact parameters soon. Phosphates are low and RO water tested 0. However, there is a good chance that it is flow. I'll have to check that is that a common cause?


Active Member
I am having a lot of hair algae problem as well. I dunno if its flow I try pointing my PH directly in the area still not really helping. It could be things that died in the rock somewhere although my Kole tang did died but I dunno where the body is. You should try 2 or 3 day water change and get some sally lightfoot crab those guys are better than emerald crabs.


New Member
Turbo snails are the heavy hitters in my tank.....I have hermits, assorted snails, emeralds and a LM Blenny...Turbos do the most damage...Get like 50 hermits and 5-10 turbos and it will be gone in less then a week....then get rid of what you don't need when you are done.


How much water change do you do? How often do you do water change? Hey Reefman my suggestion to you is try to get some get some snail. Make sure that you have enough. Also ask your LFS if they have the powder called Chemi-clean this should help you out.


In my 55 gal i have about 15 crabs 20 different snails in there a couple of emerald crabs i havent had the hair algea yet i hope i dont, just got done with the cyno outbreak. How long have u been using ur RO water did u just start or have u been using it from the start, it make take alittle bit if u just started. My tank is about 5 months old, and i have a baby yellow tang in mine that keeps the algea off the rocks pretty good too.