I need help doing 2 things


New Member
I would like some advice with helping me figure out what kind of tank to get which right now I am leaning more toward fish only and then maybe getting a list of fish and additions ie. snails, plants, corals, inverts, and more that I can try to put into the tank. I am looking for non to semi aggressive fish, maybe some tangs and such.... Advice and opinions are much accepted!!!Please feel free to email or IM. Also tank has been cycling for 2 weeks with LR and sand, what do I need next? Lights, skimmer, damsels?!?!? I would like to put something in there....


I am not an expert but I used Damsels to help cycle my tank when I first started. They were very aggressive and ended up killing a lot of the new fish that I would added after the tank cycled. I finally gave them away. My local fish store has started recommending Cromas (sp?) to help start a tank. Pretty cool fish, very non-aggressive and hang out in schools.


Don't put anything in the tank besides a cocktail shrimp until the cycle is complete.
For Tangs it's recommended the size of the tank be 75gal. They get up to 8".
I reccomend you get a skimmer an AquaC Remora or CPR BakPak would be great.
Then you will need to get PC, VHO or MH lighting to keep corals. What lights you get will determine what type of coral you can keep.
Hope that helps.


I'm doing the shrimp cycling now. It's working wonders and not having to worry about having Damsels in the tank, with the added pain of fishing them out when the cycle is complete. The shrimp are decomposing and will be all gone I'm guessing in about two more days.


New Member
I wouldnt be able to add the Cromas until after the tank has completed its cycling process right? I might still need to get a list of what I could still do for the FOWLR. What anemonae can a begginer start out with? I really dont want a lot of cost with dead fish.


New Member
What do you mean by decomposing and what kind of shimp can I start with? Also do any of you recommend getting one of the reef cleaning packages? When should it be purchased? What fish or additions should I begin with first? Shrimp first then what?


Originally posted by ASquareMan
I wouldnt be able to add the Cromas until after the tank has completed its cycling process right? I might still need to get a list of what I could still do for the FOWLR. What anemonae can a begginer start out with? I really dont want a lot of cost with dead fish.
Yep, don't add anything until the cycle is complete.
An Anemone needs MH lighting to exist in a SWA and the tank needs to be at least 6 months old.
If you want to Email Me I'll send you a link that will give you much much information on all the types of fish that you can get, plus it will give you the minimum tank size for them to exist in and more.



Originally posted by ASquareMan
What do you mean by decomposing and what kind of shimp can I start with? Also do any of you recommend getting one of the reef cleaning packages? When should it be purchased? What fish or additions should I begin with first? Shrimp first then what?

From what I've read and learned, I would not get ANYTHING until after the cycle process is complete. No cleaners, no fish, no coral, not until the cycle is done.
The shrimp help the buildup of ammonia and help the tank cycle along with the LR and LS. Just medium sized raw shrimp, either the white or the greyish ones (we used the greyish ones) and you plop them in the tank and leave them alone. They decompose in a matter of days and push the cycle process of the tank along. Some people use damsels to cycle their tanks, but I heard they were difficult to get out once the cycle is finished, and you don't want damsels in with other fish because I've read they are very aggressive.
After your ammonia rises and falls, nitrites rise and fall, and nitrates, then you do a water change (about 10% or so) and then I think you can start planning your stock for the tank.
At least that's the way I'm leaning.....veterans correct me if I'm wrong!!!


Originally posted by ASquareMan
What do you mean by decomposing and what kind of shimp can I start with? Also do any of you recommend getting one of the reef cleaning packages? When should it be purchased? What fish or additions should I begin with first? Shrimp first then what?
The cocktail shrimp method of cycling your tank, means to buy a cocktail shrimp from the grocery store and pop one into your tank and just let it rot. That is a way to cycle with out adding fish into the tank.
I don't like the packages, they usually put in blue/red legged hermit crabs that just like to be nasty. This is my cleaner crew for my 55gal:
15 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 Astrea Snails
15 Cerith Snails
15 Nassarius Snails
10 Margarita Snails
5 Peppermint shrimp
2 Emerald Crabs
1 Cleaner Shrimp
Purcchase after your tank is done cycling, be patient