I need help getting my fish to eat.


I added my first two fish to my 180 gallon tank but I cant get them to eat. Ok, I bought a little clown a couple of days ago and it stays in the upper corner of the tank and has not moved an inch in 2 days. Then I bought a little coral beauty yesterday and he stays secluded behind some rocks and he too hasnt moved an inch. Well I have tried feeding them some little pellet food 2 times already and its like they dont even see it. The current just pushes the food around for a couple seconds and they fall to the ground. I am sure that my tank being so big and the fish and food being so small doesnt help but was wondering if you guys have any suggestions. I know I cant keep putting food in there because it will be bad for my tank so I ususally will try once every other day.:confused:


I am hoping you cycled your tank already and I am guessing you did. Where did you buy these fish and did you watch them eat at the store? (This is always a huge thing for me) When I buy a fish I always make sure the fish eats and eats aggresively. Coral Beauties are known to be funny eaters and sometime fail ever to eat. But I would try frozen foods, like Forumla 2 I feed my clowns and angel this food and they love it. I know many other people who us it. All you have to do is chop up the cube into bite size pieces. I would not feed more than a fourth of a cube. Good luck.


Active Member
Try some kind of garlic to attract them to the food. You could also turn off all powerheads and return pumps when you feed. This is what I do and my fish know that it means dinner time.