I need help part 2


I'm going to buy a 65 gallon fish tanks and I plan to put a pair of clown fish, a couple of blue damsles, a Hawiian Yellow Tang, a group of crabs, a diamond watchman goby and a sea annename.
I also need to know what type of light I'm goinng to need for this and what other items (anything that's important to help keep my tank in tip top shape). I hope that this will help you in telling me what I'll need to buy.
Depending on what kind of anemone you get you'll probably need some pretty good lights.
When I started up my salt water tank I didn't want to shell out the money for good lights so I told myself I was just going to do a fish only tank. Well....after a couple of trips to the lfs and seeing the corals I've changed my mind and ended up buying a pretty decent lighting system anyways.
In my opinion you might want to just bite the bullet and start off with good lights.


SuperElvisa...it's65 gallons.
I would hold off on the anenome until your tank is AT LEAST several months old and even then I'd re-think it!Anenomes are very hard to keep and when they do die they let out toxins which can and will kill your whole tank.But I definitley agree w/Jagermeister..you're better off forking out the money now(for the best lighting you can afford) because if you're like most of us, you'll end up wanting corals and possibly clams and without the proper lighting you'll be pretty limited.