i need help please!!!


New Member
hello i need to know what a sea hare is and if someone could put pic of one on here for me to see. thankyou


Sixlines only get to 3', (great fish by the way, had mine for 3 days now and all are doing well he doesn't bother anyoner and is cleaning the damsels) and I have damsels as well, they don't get to large... (I have seen some very BIG ones at the LFS in WPB)
There are pleanty of small fish out there that should be fine for your tank.
Here is what I have 50Gal Hex tank
1 Bluefin Damsel (1.5 in)
1 Kupang damselfish (1 in)
1 Sixline Wrasse (1.5 in) Got on 4/11
2 Cleaner shrimp (on is .5 in and the other is 1.5 in) Got on 4/11
1 Decorator crab Got on 4/11
3 Bluelegged Hermits
1 Lettuce Nudi Got on 4/11
All are well and healthy; the shrimp have molted and are all over the tank now. As long as you aerate the tank well and have the appropriate filtration you can have quite a few small fish. The shrimp/crabs and slug are to keep the algae in check and the wrasse is in there to keep the Bluefin who is really black and yellow in check as he is a jerk.
Have fun and post some pics! I am working on getting a new Digital Camera as the Fiancé broke ours. Any advice on cameras?