I need help right now!!!!! Flame angle dieing!!!!!

I was feeding my fish this morning and I notisted my flameangle lying in the corner
I thought it was dead until i touched it and it started swimming
I put it my "low flow" cup and am wondering if I should do a freshwater dip

It has black around the head that is hard to see in the pic
it has split tailfins and is panting
any help would be great
(please respond asap)


OK...what is going on in the tank? water parameters? Is it being attacked? Do you have a hospital tank available?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
i would take him out of the tank put him in something that can hold about a gallon of tank water add a air stone if you have and a product like prime to the water. I would not stress him any more with a fresh water dip unless you are sure there is a chance his gills are impacted with parasites
I am fighting an algae problem and added red slime remover about 2 weeks ago
when i feed him last night she was fine but she has been developing black patches neer the forehead
the only time Ive seen her get attacked is when she gets to close to my morron clown and this doesnt happen very often
could this be from low oxygen because i have hade my skimmer off?


My flame angel has gotten blacker on the head with age.
Please post water parameters and a picture of your tank.
How did you apply the red slime remover to your tank.
I found out what was wrong with the fish
After observing the body and other fish in the tank I found out it was copepods living in the gills
now my yellow tang has it
any suggestions on how to catch the fish


It would depend what type of fluke and what growth stage it was in. Anyway you can take a picture of the little critters on your tang? If we can identify them then chances are you can treat them and save your fish.
Here is an article concerning parasitic copepods including some treatment methods.