I need help to set my 29 gal


I need help to set my 29 gal reef tank? My plan it to put a regular filter becouse i dont have space por a sump, so if somewone have any idea....


Active Member
by reg filter do you mean hang on back?? What other equipment do you have?? You will need a couple of powerheads, and I would add a canister filter for carbon and such. Do you have a skimmer??


I'm tinking to go with emperor 400 and small skimer abaut 20lb live sand and 30lb live rock


Active Member
I run a 47 gal cube with a hob filter, a magnum hob canister filter 2 powerheads and sand and rock.
for a small skimmer I like the aqua remora. They do a great job.
you could use the aqua remora and a magnum and a couple of powerheads and I think you would be good to go.
Dont forget the test kits and refractor.
I have a few sites where you can order catologs for equipment if you want them. just give me an e-mail. m0m24 at earthlink dot net
oh and welcome to the site


Tanks for your help. I have 1 more question what ligth you suggest i shall get im planing to have soft coral and few fishes


Active Member
how lng is your tank? satellite power compacts are good lights, and not that expensive. As long as you are only going shrooms, zoos and leathers.


I belive its 32", that comes with moon ligths?, Are moon ligth realy importans for reef? One more question i am planing to have one yellow tang and two clown fish its that ok?