I need help with a dog problem.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///t/393894/i-need-help-with-a-dog-problem#post_3505494
Hey Flower what if you leave the lead on when she is in the house, maybe she will get more used to it.
Al, that is a fantastic idea! I let her out today, and she is doing the stay on the door stoop thing again. I know now she will go when she has to...but the lead in the house kind of thing is perfect, I'm going to try it, we are home all the time so I won't need to worry about her getting into trouble with it attached, like 2Quills mentioned....what a scary thing to come home to.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///t/393894/i-need-help-with-a-dog-problem/20#post_3510245
So how is your dog doing Flower?
LOL...SHE won the battle, but I won the war. even putting a lead on her in the house didn't work. However she seems to have understood that if she barks and dodges to the fence I tie her up...so she has been a very good girl ever since. As an extra procaution, I also make sure the cost is clear before I let her in the fenced area, then I stand watch at the door. I also raised her shock collar a little higher on her neck...she is listening to the beep of warning a little better too. Nobody can accuse her of being a dumb dog.
She is the first dog I ever had that refused to go potty if she is tied out...she insists on her freedom, even with limits.