i need help with dsb


What kind of gravel/substrates do i need for a DSB i need help quick cause im going to the fish store today.I have a 30 gallon tank.Thanks

ed r

The critical characteristic is very small particle size (less than 1.2 mm). Avoid crushed coral. That is too large and has sharp edges which injure the infauna you want to cultivate in the DSB. Bagged live sand is not worth the extra money. It does have bacteria which can speed up an initial tank cycle, if that is worth all the extra money to you. Again I emphasize the very fine particle size. Aragonite has a range of products with that name. Some are good, while others are too large. Sugar sized Aragamax is one of the good ones. Good luck with the DSB.

ed r

Assuming that you are not among the fortunate ones whose Home Depot stocks Southdown Tropical Play Sand, you can by it at a higher price at most LFSs or order online.
<a href="http://www.purearagonite.com" target="_blank">www.purearagonite.com</a>
This site I listed seems to have good stuff and prices, but depending upon how much you buy and where you live, the shipping can be significant. I have heard that when you buy 200 lbs or more the shipping costs are greatly reduced because of UPS (or whatever shipper they use) price breaks. I bought Carib-Sea brand Sugar Size Aragamax at my LFS. It was expensive, but I did not pay additional shipping costs. The key to choosing the sand is getting something that is clean (no contamination or polution) and fine enough in size. Don't use crushed coral or anything big. Good luck.