i need help with flame angel and maybe false perc getting ich?


ok this morning i noticed two white dots on the very top of the flame angel top fin and one on the end of its tail and i also noticed the same thing on the false perc but just on its top fin it is white in color could this be ich starting or could it just be something stuck to thier fins like an air buble or osmething. also if it is ich what do i need to have to start up a hospital tank and how soon will it be up and running for me to put them in it. thanks for any help cause i really need it


Staff member
Did you resently introduce new fish to the tank? You say you have sand and base rock; does that mean that you you don't have live rock?
The specs could be either of the things you mention, ick or a bubble. Have you noticed any ohter symptoms, like the fish scratching against rocks or shimmying?


what do you mean by shimmying.but i havent seen either rub against any rocks. ive only seen these three spots and havent seen any more if it were ick how long it would take for more spots to come? and the rock is just tufa rock but it has a good bit of algae growing on it now.


Staff member
Well, I take it that you did not QT the angel before placing it in your tank...
It could be that the flame brought in ICH. Time will tell. In the meantime, start feeding your fish food soaked in garlic. Keep a close eye out for further developments.
Is the algae on your rock coraline or just air algae? Do you have a hospital tank?


the algae is some coraline some of it is other algae and i see the angel pick at it and the algae on the pumps. i do not have a hospital tank that is why i asked what i need and how long does it have to be set up in my original post. does a hospital tank have to be set up and running and cycled or can it be started up with some water from the main tank and ran like that with water changes or something.


Active Member
You can make a simple hospital tank by just using normal out flourscent light and a sponge filter - oh and something to provide a spot to hide. It is good to have a tank set and cycled but if it is needed right now, do frequent water changes and watch ammonia and nitrite levels. My advice to you is keep your hospital tank running after your fish are better (you should have had one already but thats the breaks) good luck
~Prevention is the best cure~


Staff member
Hospital tanks really don’t need lighting, so you can save expense here. If you want lighting for your fish, you can just place a lamp nearby. Up to you.
If the water in your main tank is good quality, then use the water from that tank to fill the hospital. You can use any filtration, or a small skimmer. Good water circulation is essential. If you have to control temp, then you’ll need a heater. Set up the tank.
You can hospitalize fish in an un-cycled tank but you must check water quality frequently [like daily] and do small water changes daily as well. The point here is not to allow the tank to cycle. Uneaten food and fish waste will need to be vacuumed up as soon as you see it. Optimum water quality is essential when establishing a hospital tank. You can use PVC or fake rock for hiding spots for the fish in the hospital tank.
If your fish develop ich, then you can treat them with hyposalinity—the best choice for ich treatment. In the meantime, offer the animals garlic soaked food and see what develops.


Staff member
Hypo and copper will both work, just that copper is a toxic chemical which could have adverse effects on your fish...not mention give you a devil of time with keeping what little nitrifying bacteria you have in an uncycled hospital tank.
Test for copper levels daily and be sure to get a kit that is compatible with your copper.
Good luck!


well its been three days and havent seen any more spots the clown now has none and the flame is down from 3 to 2 if i see more spots i will set up a hospital and put him in it


Staff member
You may try offering the fish a better diet--more varied, in addition to the garlic. The garlic, at this stage of any developing problem, could save you some headache by avoiding a full-fledged disease process, but you need to step on it and start using it.


thanks for the help and suggestions ill be going get some garlic either tonight or tommorow morning any certain type of garlic to use or just a liquid extract will do


Staff member
I just use plain old garlic gloves. Crush it up in a container then place the food in with it, allowing the garlic juice to saturate the food. You can also use garlic extract that you get from the grocery store, but make sure that the only ingredient is garlic, no additives. There is also a garlic preparation that is made for hobby purposes.


and i got some seaweed selects is there any problem with too much of it in the tank with nitrates and all or not really


spots are all gone for about 2 days now so im guessing there better but ill keep feeding the garlic with the foods