I need help with my Bubble Coral


My tank has been up and running for about a year now. It's a 72g bowfront with Nova Extreme Pro (6x54 T5) light setup. About 3 months ago I started buying corals. My first two, Xenia and Star polyp, are doing great and growing really fast. But I haven't had much luck with my bubble coral. Right now it's on a rock in a middle of the tank. At first it looked great, during the day all of the bubbles were inflated and at night it had nice long tentacles. Now, only few of the bubbles inflate and at night it looks dead. I've included some pictures at different times during the day. Also, as you can see on the second picture, sometimes there is a hairy looking substance coming from it. Is this normal? With my current light setup should I maybe place it lower in the tank? I have 2 Koralia2 powerheads and my return pump as a circulation and nothing is pointed directly at the coral. Also, when is the best time to spot feed it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Attachment 211641
Attachment 211642
Attachment 211643



Originally Posted by zanoshanox
it looks like its receeding. what do you feed it?
I tried mysis few times during the day, but I'm not sure if it actually got eaten. Would it be better to feed at night? I also add some phyto to the tank every few days, but only a small amount as I don't have that many corals.


is it a green one, or is it just the lighting? i had a green one that did the same thing. don't take it out for awhile if it looks completely dead. the reason i say this (and this may just be a situation where i got lucky) is because i left mine alone in the same place, and what little flesh was left made a come back. the orginial was about 2 or 3 in., and now in the skeleton, i've got four small bubbles growing. the only thing is they now look like white bubbles, idk if the one i bought was dyed green or if it turns green after awhile.


Try setting it up a little higher in your tank. Mine likes to be on the upper half of the tank. Just a thought.


If the bubbles are visually moving much it may be irritated from
the flow such as maybe too much. Idk mine acts up occassionally
for whatever reason like when another critter touches it.