i need help with my fish tank


New Member
can some one help me
i got a 10g but i am going to get a 20g or a 29g
but i do not know what i need and i dont think a reef tank is good for me
so i think i will just get like some live rock,sand and like 3 fish to start with
p.s. the fish are going to be 1clown,1clown goby and 1yellow tail damsel fish


Active Member
Sounds like a good start. I have a 10 gal freshwater tank that I use for a saltwater tank. It came with one hang on back filter and I used a second one as well. Then I hooked both of them up to an undergravel filter plate to draw water through. I took out the carbon filter elements that came with the HOB filters and simply shoved a sponge in the filters. This acts as a source for bacteria that will remove nitrite and ammonia. It works very well. Water flows down through the gravel, up into the HOB filters where the water rises up through the sponge and then spills back into the tank. It has been really effective and keeping wastes low. Just remember to do a partial water change periodically as the nitrates rise.