I need help



you're gonna need to post more info. what are your water levers (salinity, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and temp). have you recently dosed with copper?


make that five snails in 24 hours... I can't find a iodine tester anywhere in st. louis. I have done a water change, do I just ride this wave out, or do I keep putting my hands in the tank. The fish seem to be doing fine, swimming freely, not breathing hard.


Active Member
If you live in St. Louis and cant find test kits for saltwater tank then you have problems. I dont know what you should do. 1 thing I would do is take all the live things out of my tank and take them back to the lfs or give them away or something. If they all end up dieing it is just a waste.


I have a test kit, I don't have a test kit for iodine. I have called everywhere. As for water levels
Ph 8.1
Kh 14
Ca 435
Amonia 0
Nitrite <.3
Sg 1.022
temp 80.5
I just bought a phosphate tester, I tested it in the low range, and I got nothing, so i need to test it in the high range, but I don't have any RO water since I just did a water change, but I am off right now to get some, so I will let you know what's up.
I also have a subject in my qt tank, so I tested for Copper in my main, and also came up with nothing.
Something that is new recently is, I just put in a Aqua clear wet/dry 175 about a week before everything started to drop dead.
So I guess I still need help


Active Member
Well nitrites are suppose to be 0 that is the only thing I see wrong except your SG needs to come up a bit but I dont think that would bother the fish any.


Were the sails new additions to the tank? Ifso how did you acclimate them. How much iodine have you been adding and for how long.


The snails have been in there for about a month and a half. For Iodine, some dope at the lfs told me that for a week if you double dose your tank with iodine your xenia, will be awesome. Well I now know how to handle remarks like that. :mad: Anyway, i am kinda clueless, the fish are doing great, it's my snails and xenia, that are not doing so hot. I am thinking that maybe I should just keep my hands out of the tank and see what happens.


Well I did a trip around st. louis's fish stores with my water samples, and I came up with copper in my main tank:mad: I don't know how I didn't put it there. So I have the problem of getting rid of it. Does anybody have any experience with this. I put some polyfilter and carbon in my wet/dry, is there anything else i could do?


Active Member
You can use something like cabrisorb "I think that is spelled right". I have not used it but that is the only copper remover I know of.


Active Member
Iodine is essential for all species pf pulsing xenia to grow. However, you can't supplement anything into a closed environment like an aquarium without a test kit.
Whoever gave you the info that iodine is good for xenia was correct, although they should have told you to buy the test kit as well. You can't prescribe medicine as a doctor without 1st doing some diagnostics on the patient.
ps- The problem with having copper in your tank is that it is a heavy metal. Heavy metals denature proteins and create holes in the cell walls of msot beneficial bacteria. Copper also kills inverts dead.


Active Member

Originally posted by mudplayerx
Copper also kills inverts dead.

Alright so if the copper kills inverts wouldnt they be dead instead of killing inverts dead shouldnt it be Kill inverts. LoL im just raggin on ya kinda feellin silly tonight :jumping: