i need help


New Member
ok im 14 and have a 55gal. i have a tomato and a percula clown. what kind of anemony do i need that wont eat my fish? and my yellow tang wonts to eat my peperment shrimp. help please!!!:confused: :confused:


Active Member
If you have a tomato and a perc odds are they are not hanging together, so an anemone won't be the answer for that, more over the tomato will turn into an agressive booger and most likely kill the perc. If your yellow is trying to eat you peppermint than something is wrong. The only thing they usually eat is green algea type stuff. Nori seaweed etc...
My answer is simple. Remove the tang, and one kind of clown. Get a perc to match the first one, and hold off on getting anemone for a while. When you do decide to get one, maybe in about six or seven months, look into getting a tank propogated Bubble tip, check with your local reef club, I'm sure somebody props anemones or has some that split on a regular basis.


just one question how did you afford all the stuff for the tank because its taking me a long time to buy every thing I need for the tank Oh and by the way I'm 13 years old.


Active Member

Originally posted by zoocrazy
try a rbta!!

or try some hairy mushrooms instead, from what I've seen tomatoes are not picky about hosts and will look for the thing that closest resembles an anemone. I would not recomend an anemone for you at this point though.