I Need Help!


Does anyone out there in Reef Land have a Barrons "Corals" Book??? Its a paperback book. Very back page 96 there is a huge picture of a soft coral with no ID info. - I have that coral and I'd love to find out what it is so that I can make sure that it's "happy"!!! I recently purchased LR and these babies were on a rock. They are doing well, but I need an ID.
Thanks for any help!! :help: :help:


Active Member
Would it be possible for you to post a pic???? THis may help someone to be able to ID it for you.


Active Member
A picture is really needed but what color is it? Just asking because we could possibly rule out non-photosynthetic ones based on its color. Whats its shape like? You say soft coral but is it branching, mushroom like, etc.


Give me a few minutes .... I am going to TRY to post a pic. It's been awhile since I've done this, so .... I'll be back.


Active Member
I hope you find out what it is...I think it's really pretty, and I WANT one!!
Lisa :happyfish


I think maybe someone took their LR to the LFS and maybe there was a big one and these are sprouts/babies from the big one???? They sure are pretty.


Active Member
If you are talking about the corals in the upper right (kinda whitish ones), those look like leather corals. Look up Sarcophyton and Lobophyton.


Yes, they are the ones on the roght. They are a light brown with white (daisy) looking ends??? I don't think that they have completly opened as I'm not sure how to place them as of yet. I have med. flow/med light so I will go look up what wax32 has suggested to see if I can find them.