Ok, I just checkd my nitrate level, and the test came back around 80 ppm. My nitrite is at 1.0 ppm, same with ammonia. It was fine a week ago. All corals look fine, I noticed white spots on my clown that I have had for months, and my scooter blenny died 2 days ago, he was removed the morning I found him.
What on earth is going wrong with my tank?! Temp doesnt go above 80, there's no sponge, bioballs, ceramic rings. I have an AquaC Remora thats been on atleast 6 weeks now, it works great, and gets cleaned every other day. I feed once every other day. I havent used any cleaning agents in my room since the last time it spiked. I have no candles lit, nothing smelly in the room except my sheets which are 15 feet away from the tank. I'm at a loss right now. I ordered live rock rubble and chaeto a week ago, it should have been here by now (I'm getting pretty upset about it not being here.) What can I do? SG is 1.023/24. pH is 8.2, phos is almost 0. I have carbon in the back. I havent added any chemicals in weeks except the Amquel for the ammonia. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Last weekend I took out every piece of rock I had and scrubbed them down. I cleaned most of the crud off the sand from the rocks. I cleaned all powerheads. I have too much invested in this tank to lose it. I just dont understand it? I use only RO water from the LFS (and their premixed RO+salt water.) I did a 3 gal water change this evening, with no change in water params. I appreciate any info/comments/suggestions. I'm really bummed out about this, as I am clueless as to why its happening. Thanks in advance.