i need help


New Member
hey i have set up a 90 gallon tank and everything has been going good so far. i have noticed a white film on the top of the water and i have lost four fish in the last 3 days can someone please tell me what i need to do.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by antwan http:///forum/thread/382168/i-need-help#post_3333415
hey i have set up a 90 gallon tank and everything has been going good so far. i have noticed a white film on the top of the water and i have lost four fish in the last 3 days can someone please tell me what i need to do.

What are yor water tests saying? It sounds like you may not have enough surface movement..how many power heads are you running and where are they pointed?


Ditto on the surface movement....can you tell us everything your tank has..like equipment, and livestock?
a picture would be great too...OH and how old is the tank?


If you are seeing film on the surface you don't have near enough surface aggitation as the others said. that film prevents good O2 exchange. In addition waves create more surface area for gas exchange to take place. You're fish probbaly died of lack of oxygen.
Did they ever go and nip at the surface or lay on the bottom of the tank and breathe heavy?


New Member
all my water test are coming back perfect ...i tested myself then i took them in just to make sure and everything is ok. i think that you are right about not having enough powerheads


New Member
thank you for the help you are right i did not have nearly enough movement on this tank...