I need help


Active Member
I have a beautiful custom tank and I hate the way it looks. I cannot decide if I should take everything out and start over. I have a desjardini x-large, a fox face x-large, chevron tang, pain in the butt clarkii, clown, coral beauty, splended dottyback, and fairy wrasse. I am trying to decide if I should get rid of all of the fish, coral and just start over. Am I the only one going through this?


Active Member
Hard to say from that shot, but what kind of lighting do you have? It looks pretty dark in there.
Try maybe just adding a little more color. And maybe rearrange a few rocks.
I think it looks fine, but if you want a change, maybe start there.


Active Member
I agree maybe start with a light upgrade, unless it is just the camera? Otherwise, things look pretty good to me:). If you are really troubled by having it, I'll drive up to DFW and take it off your hands as an act of compassion. ;)


Active Member
it is only a 100gallon tank and I have the icecap 660 with 48" bulbs. It is the camera and there is no other light in the room. I am going to work with the rock this weekend. And pull some fish out. Most of the corals seem to die. I dont get why? I do water changes every 2 weeks all the levles are at zero and gravity is 1.019. I am working on raising that.
If it does not help, you are more than welcome to come and get it.


Active Member
Well, the specific gravity sure doesn't help. Definitely work on getting that up. Mine is usually at about 1.025-1.026. See what happens with that, and a new rock structure.
I don't know what my brittlestars would do with a 100g tank. Yikes.


New Member
That is a beautiful tank dockery. I like the shelves etc. underneath.
Would you mind telling my what kind of setup you have? And of course all of your inhabitants. I love reading about other people's stuff... since I don't have my own and all.... LOL :D


Active Member
Thanks, actually my husband made it for me. Everything, but the tank (glass)..
Now I am not happy with is and dont know what to do.


Active Member
I am particularly fond of the seastar pulls on the drawers :D
KHolt, feel free to email me at ophiuroid@att.net It would be odd to either start a new thread or hijack this one with discussions of my measly nanos. However, I can talk at length about the brittlestars in them.


That is a beautiful looking tank. Maybe your just bored with it and need to move things around or just get some new fish or corals!!


Active Member
And new filters... Mine is not working right. I am going to take all of the rock out sunday while everyone else watches football. It gives me something to do. Living in a house with 5 men sometimes is a good thing.


dont tear it down, I go through phases with my tank too... Pull the corals that are not dead out and rearrange the LR and make it an aggressive tank or a FOWLR tank.... IMO, aggressive fish are more hardy..... good luck with whatever you do......

dave flood

I change things around in my tank if I don't like the way it looks.Your tank is 6 months old ,it takes time to devlope. You can also find a store that will exchange or trade fish & corals with you.