I need HELP!!!


New Member
This will be my first saltwater tank. The following items are what I have purchased.Will somebody please review these and let me know exactly what else I might need? I really would like to have a
reef aquarium but I can not spend a lot more money so if I have to I can go fish only>
100 gal glass aquarium
wood stand with doors
2 emperor 400 filters w/bio-wheel
2 200 watt submersible heaters
test kit, 4 tests pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate
60 lbs live sand bagged
salt water mix for 100 gallons
microbe-lift special blend
light strips, light bulbs 12,000 k per bulb (2)
glass top
I think that's it. Oh, what about live rock? Which kind to I need? How much? and can you mix it with something less expensive?tufa?
Where can I buy that?
Thank you so much in advance! I am so excited to get started and a little scared!!!!!! Thanks


First off, welcome to the board!!!:D You will find the answers to all of your questions right here. I think that you are on your way to a fish only because you are lacking one key item for corals in the equipment you listed and that is lighting and the more the better. Most corals require a minimum of VHO or Power Compact lighting to thrive. Also you want 1- 1 1/2 pounds of live rock per gallon of water that is the preffered amount as far as the tufa I am not sure. Also I would get some southdown or old castle sand to supplement your short supply of LS. HTH


What name brand lighting hood do you have? Where did you get it? How many watts does it support?

barry cuda

If you're looking for something inexpensive to supplement the LR with, you might take a look at the thread "making rock" in this forum.
My wife and I are planning to make pretty heavy use of aragocrete in our first SW tank, which we'll be starting soon. It sounds like an ideal material to work with.

tony detroit

Active Member
You may not NEED these but you WILL WANT THEM
2 fish nets.
Digital thermometer much better than glass IMO.
Powerhead pump.
1 bottle of Cycle
1 bottle of tap water conditioner
1 bottle of ammonia reducing product like ammo lock.
1 protein skimmer
2 buckets (new)
More salt. You're going to need more salt. Use reef crystals or Red Sea are what most stores carry. Instant Ocean is usually good but some bad batches have been going around.
You'll probably want to go with 40-80lbs live rock. I'd definitely say 40 as a minimum.
Put the glass tops in a closet. Get eggcrate from the hardware store. Glass tops are asking for trouble in most cases.
Most importantly before you do one more thing and before you purchase any fish.
SPEND THE MONEY AND BUY A BOOK RIGHT NOW. Much cheaper than killing ten fish and much nicer too. You are going to kill a lot of fish if you don't know what you're doing. Read as much of the book as you can before doing anything. Then ask the board your other questions. Try and get a book that was published recently.
Do not cycle your tank with fish. Do it with shrimp it is much easier and humane. Ask the board before you do anything. This will save you many problems in the long run.
Welcome to the board.


I would go with live rock over live sand, eventually the rock will seed the sand to be live. rock will be more beneficial.


Get yourself a copy of The Conscientious Aquartist by Robert M. Fenner. Amazon.com had my copy to me in two days. This book will answer so many of your questions and give you some pros and cons on the issues at hand. I recommend live rock and some shrimp, snails, hermit crabs etc to get your tank cycling.
Get the better lighting up front as well! You'll not regret that purchase even if you decide not to do a large reef tank!