i need lionfish info!


Hello. I am thinking of getting a Fu Man Chu and Dwarf Lionfish. Can someone that owns either type please give me some backround information on them? Are they fragile? What do they eat? Can two be put together? Please get back to me, by email if possible. Ozzfan84@aol.com Thanks!


LionFish says.......
Well, now you're talkin' Lionfish is my name and well, lionfish are my game. Or something like that. Anyways, I have a Dwarf Lion at the time. Very cool fish. They are extremely hardy and long-lived. Good fish for any aggressive tank. Now, Fu Manchus are a little more sensitive than most lions. Lionfish are overall, one of the hardiest fish out to the hobby but Fu Manchus are just a little more sensitive. Just keep them well-fed with a varied diet and keep good water conditions and it should live for a good long time. And, yes, they will do very well together. Feed them foods like chopped squid, krill, shrimp, mussel, and silversides. Try to feed at least three of these to them at different times. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
Hey Ozzfan, Ive got an Antennata and he loves mysis shrimp and live ghost shrimp. I was lucky enough to get him after my LFS got him off the live food and accepting the frozen. As per advice from (Mr) Lionfish from this BB im currently making payments on a 92gal corner Tank for my little buddy. I plan on adding a FuMan Chu myself once the other tank is up.He currently resides in a 46gal with a few tankmates he's been watching a bit too closely lately........
Good Luck with your Dwarf. :D