I Need Live Sand!!! Will Pay For Shipping!!!!!!


I live in orlando Florida...I am in depeate need of live sand, i cannot see myself paying 45,50 dollars for this stuff, i only need like 15, 20 lbs, i dont know ho much that would be, i have never done anthign lie that before, but i would love for someone to help out, there HAS to be someone that has extra sand somewhere.....



All of the below $700/OBO
We live in Lakeland (very close) in case you are interrested.
150 Lbs Live Rock
80 Lbs Live sand
Elephant Ear Leather Coral w/ 2 small sprouts
Colt Coral
Multi Colored Zoos
Sebea Anomone
Calcerous Algae (Beneficial Algae)
Yellow and orange sponges
Lots of purple
Blue Hippo Tang
Clarkii Clown
Blue Damsel
Fire Fish
Bangii Cardnal
Coral Beauty Angel
Royal Gramma
Mandarin (Phsycodelic)
Bi Color Blenny
4 Blue Green Chromis
Serpant Star (Brown and Black)
Emerald Crabs
Hermit Crabs
Pick up only


Active Member
my lfs sells it for $41 a 20lb bag. if you're in florida take a day trip and fill a bucket :p


I know that you are selling all fo it, but is there a chance that i could possible buy just some live sand? that is all i need, i have plenty of LR, and fish, but i will want corals, how much would you sell them individually?
Thank You,


OMG!!! how much would you sell the Coral Beauty for? or the ROyal Gramma? I love those, but is the Coral Beauty reef safe?


The Local Fish Store here sales Live sand for 30.00 a 20 pound bag.Shipping by USPS priority mail with a tracking number would be like 9.50 to your door.If you want I can pick it up and send it to you.Just let me know.


Active Member
After someone is done giving him some live sand could they please send me a 125 gallon tank. I really want one but I can't see myself spending that much money on a tank.


I think I could get 2 of the 20 pound bags in one of the Priuority Mail flat rate boxes and it would not cost anymore to ship both in the same box than it would to ship just one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
After someone is done giving him some live sand could they please send me a 125 gallon tank. I really want one but I can't see myself spending that much money on a tank.

can someone pay my electric bill I really dont want to spend the money
can someone please help me pay it, come on please!!!!!!


I will depend on the coral beauty not all are reef safe. I just had to take mine out of my reef tank due to nipping at some corals. I have read alot of poasts where people have not had a problem but others have had problems so it will depend on the fish.


Originally Posted by tripleshot
I will depend on the coral beauty not all are reef safe. I just had to take mine out of my reef tank due to nipping at some corals. I have read alot of poasts where people have not had a problem but others have had problems so it will depend on the fish.
yup i returned mine for eating my cloves


Coral Beautys are Reef Safe But With Caution.Some of them will pick on clam mantels & Large Polyped Stoney (LPS's)
I had 2 of them 1 fooled with the LPS's and the other 1 did not