I need opinions

salty rick

Two years ago I put in a plennum and put in enough agronite to make a one inch deep bed. Over the years the fish have moved the aronite into piles so that you can see the screen of the plennum. My LFS told me that you only needed one inch of depth with the agronite.
I am going to go to a deep sand bed. Do I take out the plennum? Would the existing agronite be adequate to seed the new sand? When I put the sand in, I was planning to take the lr out that has corals on it and then fill the sand in around the base rock. Is this a good thing to do?
I have searched the post on dsb but I couln't find alot regarding the removal or non-removal of plennums. <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


You are fine with the amount of LR you have. I would just to add another 1 to 3 inches of sand to the tank, around your base rock. I would at least add 20lbs of LS to help seed the new sand bed. Don't remove the plenum but the aragonite is heavier that sand and might work its way to the bed surface. If not enough sand is layed down on top.