I need purple on my rocks and can't get it. Any suggestions.


I have a 75 gallon. And I tried purple up. And nothing really happened expect my calcium spiked up. Is there another product I need to try. Also it might be my bulbs. What kind of bulbs do I need for the beautiful purple to grow on my rocks. Thanks for the help. :notsure:


Active Member
go to a LFS and try to buy a small pice of live rock with some nice coraline (purple stuff ) on it, it should eventually spread to the rest of your rock


Active Member
With the above advice; just give it time. Coraline will grow with standard normal cheap lights that come with the tank.


Active Member
You need to make sure your calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity are where they need to be. Then, introduce a piece of live rock that already has some good coralline growing on it. With the 3 levels in check, the spores should begin to spread and cultivate on other rocks.


Since he already has LR in the tank, can he add LR to it, or is it no big deal. I have a good amount, but I would like to slowly add more over the coming months. I wondered about the Purple up stuff too. Good thread!, Thank everyone


In addition to lion crazz's advice,
Take a piece of LR that has coralline on it and scrub it with a new tooth
brush,do it in front of a powerhead and it will spread spores throughout your tank.


Active Member
purple up works, but imo the 2 part stuff like C Balance or the one that Kent makes works better.
using kalkwasser in topoff water works even better, but I quit because it's such a hassle.