i need some advice!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by bioneck47
In a large tank and proper diet, IT'S VERY POSSIBLE! He ate like a pig and if I didn't feed him properly, he would attack my fish. It took him 1 year 3 months to grow 6 inches! Here's a picture when I got him...
Oh, and slack I seriously doubt that you have 14 years of experience! The advice you give people sometimes is just ridiculous!!! and there's plenty of other people here that feel the same way!
Attachment 204580
ook thats why im havin such good "luck"?just shows that u dont!! if you think multi triggers is a bad idea and wont work or is it the live feeders?????? i still havent seen a frozen section in the ocean.honestly longer than 14 yrs .parents had salt water fish . i had triggers when i was a kid
i dont give bad advise.just think differnt.there is more than 1 way to have a great tank,full of action o my 75 is doing


Originally Posted by slackjawed
ook thats why im havin such good "luck"?just shows that u dont!! if you think multi triggers is a bad idea and wont work or is it the live feeders?????? i still havent seen a frozen section in the ocean.
Hey slack, what in the world are you talking about
. Once again I lost you here. Who said anything about luck, multi triggers, or feeding live feeders? Come down to earth slack, it's a really cool place to be...


Originally Posted by puffer97
how many gallons does a golden puffer need
The very minimum would be a 120. And I mean MINIMUM! They are very large and will not do well in a smaller aquarium. and that's not to mention the huge bio load one of them puts out. My guineafowl (same fish just different color) put such a big bioload in my 120 QT that I was doing 40% water changes weekly just to maintain nitrates at 50ppm.


Active Member
I have 2 Koralia 4's in my 125 and I'm going to add a Koralia 2 or 3. I'm sure something similar would also work for you.