I need some advise!!



Hello Everyone,
I am working on creating a list of equipment I need to put together a SW tank (reef tank). I was looking into getting a 75 gal tank. After looking through a lot of SW fish discussion on this site I started my mission. I like boomers tank/ideas so I started designing my tank similar to his with out the refuse. I expected to spend a lot of money (couple k) but it came out to more then I expected. I am thinking of scaling the tank down to 55 gal to see what I would save. Or maybe I am putting to much into my 75 but I dont think thats the case. Below are the things I need help with that greatly affect my cost:
Tank/Stand: I will search for best local costs on tanks. I am building the stand to save $ and to have some fun.
Lighting (reef tank):
How many watts per gallon should I have (for VHO acrylic, for VHO 50/50, and for MH)? Do I need all three types? Ballasts will be purchased based on light size and quantity.
I am basing my filtration on this formula; Tank size x 10 = pump size (GPH). Is that good enough? (I am building fixturing/sump)
Same GPH that filtration will run.
Same GHP as filtration but on seperate pump (set up- skimmer pulls and dumps from sump)...I was looking at the Berlin Classic w/ rio 2500 pump. Let me know if I am going to big.
What is a good price for LR and LS? (I'm only thinking of 20 lbs live sand with the rest being Aragonite to make a 4" base)
Please help me out with anything you can. I am really psyched to get into the hobby. Put I can't afford to go broke!:(
If you would like to see more detail on what brands/models I am looking at to help me out you can email me at benjamin.meissner@pw.utc.com.


I'm going to tell you abougth my tank.
I have read the bigger the tank the better it is to keep.
my 1st tank was a 10gal way to small.
my 2nd was a 55 gal ok but got a bigger one anyway. I still have tank and a nice stand I will sale you at a good price.
now I have a 125 and love it. Price between 55gal and 75gal tank is not that much I would go with the bigger tank.
My stand I built cheep less the $75.00
Lighting Just do some reading.
Filtration I bought used E-Bay
Overflows spend the extra cash and get the tank drilled new..
it saves alot of time and it's well worth it.
I payed $300 for my 125 with 2 overflows and love it.
Skimmer if you can DIY the do a search and make it and save the cash.
LR/Sand I have abought 200lbs of playsand with some Live sand to seed it. the LR I'm buying this month I found a real good place to buy my rock from.
as for the rio I have the 3100 and it's crap get a mag.


I'm not so concerned with the price of the tank and stand. I have a good idea of what I am going to buy....just size. I know the difference in tank cost is the same but its all the other stuff that is going to cost me.
The rio 2500 only feeds the skimmer. I was looking at a dolphin 800 that is submersable in the sump.
What is the benefit of a drilled tank? How does it work?


Active Member
Great to ask questions at this point. I drilled tank allows you get water from your main tank to your sump without the use of a hang on overflow. It is definitely the way to go. Makes for a cleaner install and less problems down the road. Your filtration question depends on whay you're planning on doing with the tank. How heavily do you plan to stock with fish? If not very heavy than a large portion of LR will do the filtration for you. Of course fish stocking will depend ultimately on how big a tank you buy. See the circular references forming here? As for lighting, you can go with just one type, VHO, PC or MH depending again on what you plan to keep. What kind of inverts/corals do you plan to keep and we can help better with lighing options.
Your best bet may be to decide on what animals and how many, including of course both fish and corals. That will then tell you what size tank and filtration and lighting.
Make sense?


Thanks Jumpfrog...I get what you are saying.
I want to focus more on corals then fish. I plan on having maybe 10 or so fish (not sure what type but it wont be large fish). That and maybe some shrimp and crabs to play around my LR. I would like to put 2 lbs of LR per Gal. I am not limiting myself to what type of coral I get. I would like a wide variety if thats possible (still need to research).
Are there any books that will tell me what type of light corals and fish need?
For filtering, other then the LR I was going to put a small mesh screen before the pump and that was it. I was more concerned on getting the right size pump for the tank.
"The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert M. Fenner is a good choice for a book. It will run you about $20 plus shipping.


Active Member
Agree, great book. Also check out wetwebmedia.com. Fenner's stuff is on there as well along with a host of faqs which are helpful for your specific questions.
If you don't want to limit yourself on corals then the high intensity MH's are probably the way to go. Great filtration will be important but with all the rock you plan that should take care of it. Top notch skimmer will be an important purchase. You might want to rethink the 10 fish a little bit. Sounds like a lot of fish for a 75; but, if they're small and relatively non-mobile (ie like clowns, gobies, etc) it will probably be ok. Just remember if you go 2lbs per gallon as you propose, 150 lbs of rock, LS and corals won't leave much in the way of swimming room.
Good Luck and let us know about your choices.
I have a Dolphin DP 900 submerged in my sump for the return pump on my 125 gallon tank. It is very quiet, doesn't add heat and is very powerful. I recommend it.


New Member
Why not buy a reef ready tank to begin with, save yourself a major headache. You'll never find anyone to drill your tank and guarantee to replace it if it cracks or breaks while they're drilling it. A reef ready tank comes with the overflows already built into it, its engineered by the manufacturer to do what its designed to do, WITH a warranty. All these diy plans may sound like a great way to save bucks, BUT, if you dont know what you're doing, you'll likely wind up with a contraption that may or may not operate the way its supposed to. Granted, you'll spend more money buying professionaly built equipment, but it will do what you want it to do. If you're really concerned about money, you're in the wrong hobby, try collecting road maps, spoons, etc.


Just a quick sales pitch but... I and other pepole sell stuff on this board and you can get lots 'O stuff cheap. Right now I'm selling a 75g with wet dry, protein skimmer, chiller, DSB, NO lighting and Stand + extra stuff (i.e. power heads) for only $300. So your cost worry can be depeted alot if you want to be a bit more thrifty or frugal. Plus it gives you lots more $ to spend on fish and goodies.


Don't make the same mistake I made with your lighting,spend the extra cash and get the mh w/pc combo lighting. no regrets, spend it now or spend more later. As for the filters and other equipment try http://www.**************.com they are having a 20th anniv. sale can't beat it.Good luck..:D


This is great. Lots of good opinions. I searched a lot over the weekend and found good deals on the stuff I need. I found a local fish tank store that drills tanks. They are pretty good at what they do. I may go that route.
zafirablanca~ I was looking at the same pump brand. I think I am sold.
Tom~ Your deal interests me a greatly. Please email me and we can talk a little (benjamin.meissner@pw.utc.com)!!


My lighting plans are this for now...
1- Dual PFO Ballast 250 watt - HQI
2- 250W MH 10,000K German - Ushio
2- VHO 110 W URI Super Actinics
1- PFO Ballast to support VHO.
2- 3" Fans from Radio shack.
That should run around $800 I figured.
I made my choices based on future upgrades for a larger tank. Cost isnt much of an issue with lighting since it is important in keeping a reef tank. I found that the difference between mh lighting cost were small between the 175 watt and 250 watt. Might as well buck up!
~jmgrn- I know the hobby is expensive and that isnt a huge concern. My initial cost estimates for start up were very high until I looked into better deals...feeling much better now. I just dont want to spend all the money and figure out I got the wrong equipment.