I need some convincing...am I cycled??



The facts:
The tank has been up for 2.5 weeks....tap water.
I added 70 pounds of rock that needed curing,but was die off free.Chalk white and thoughly cleaned.
Also about three pounds of completely cured rock was added too.
I added one small clown after about a week (I know I know.... not how its usually done)...but its one 3 inch fish in 90g so water quality issues were not a major concern (tested too of course).
Now for what has happened:
One day after the fish was added,the ammonia tested at .25...I ran a control sample and compared the two and it was definate.A solid .25.
I thought that was odd as the fish had only eaten once and it was just that was just one day before the spike.....(first ever positive).
It tested like that for two days...then zero.Another control sample and its a solid zero...no doubt.
Also zero nitrites and nitrates....nada...not a hint of either.....
About the time the ammonia dropped the tank started to brown up.....easy to clean brown algea.Diatoms I'm almost certain (seen this in FW too).The one thing that is is very different is it gets much worse during the day when the lights are on.In the morning,after the lights have been off all night,it looks much better but its still there.
Is this because the lights are much stronger then my FW tank?
Am I cycled in anyones opinion?
Keep in mind I did nothing to get the ammonia down...its just gone....but I can't find a coverted version of it either.
90g SW FOWLR cycling
50g tall fw planted at .6wpg
29g fw planted at 1.2 wpg
10g fw (not planted yet)


Not that I ever noticed....tested every day too....but there is no doubt the ammonia was up and is now gone.


Maybe it just hasn't finished cycling yet? How long has everything been at 0?


I would wait a few more days, and if nothing spikes then your cycle is complete.


Active Member
In my limited experience and knowledge, it did not cycle. Once you start introducing fish and their waste plus excess food there will be a large spike and possibly kill everything. If you are satisfied that it cycled then go ahead and NOT get anymore fish for 2 weeks. A SOLID 2 WEEKS. Then add 1 more etc. If you add to fast with out the proper nitrofying bacteria in there it will cause a spike. Yes, diatoms will go away, new tank syndrom


I honestly don't think that after 2.5 weeks a 90 gallon tank has fully cycled. The small ammonia spike that you saw after adding the clown probably had little to do with the clown. I think there may have been a little die off on your rock. The cycle doesn't seem to work the same as freshwater does, at least it didn't for me. I didn't have much of an ammonia spike. Then about a month or so after having steady readings of zero ammonia my nitrites started fluctuating daily. It was .25 one day, then.50, then 0, then1 it jumped everyday. That went on for about another month. I still have not seen a nitrate spike. I set this tank up at the end of March (a 55 gal). Expect some spikes comming, it takes awhile.


Active Member
considering you really didn't have much to start a cycle besides the few lr pieces, i also doubt your cycle has even started. the quick ammonia spike after a feeding shows that you're lacking the beneficial bacteria needed to convert waste to nitri to nitra. you need some more biological filtration.


I'd say wait another week and do more testing. Patients is definitly part of this hobby and it is better to error on the side of caution.


Please understand that my intent is NOT to just add more fish because it MAY be cycled....I'm in no rush.
I just want opinion as to the possibilty given what I have offered as fact.


Active Member
:thinking: speculation here, but does anyone think the cycle will take a lot longer due to the tap water; mainly those city additives meant to kill bacteria in drinking water and all that we want in our tanks?
what's the filtration? sump? trickle filter?