Originally Posted by
Posiden http:///forum/thread/379734/i-need-some-input-and-advice-please/20#post_3302008
OK. I have never owned a goby so I just didn't know. Playing with the sand bed worked for me but, like I said I don't have any sand sifters in my tank.
Did you just turn those PH's up to the surface to help the ph issue? I only wonder cause as mentioned eairler about surface movement and trates.
All about my 90g reef, up and running 6 years.
I have two #3s and One #4 Koralia pointed at the surface, also one of the output tubes has a guide and it is pointed at the surface, and my skimmer has an overflow box that also moves the surface water.
Deep on the tank I have a #2 in the back pushing water trough a cave and a spray bar vertically set to push water through the back to make sure nothing settles on the rocks way in the back.
I clean the two canisters once each month and replace the carbon each time.
I have a CUC of aprox 50 hermit crabs, 20 snails and two serpent stars.
I have 8 fish:
4.5 inch Hippo Tang
3.5 inch Kole tang
3 inch Lawnmower Blenny
2.5 and 2 inch Perc clowns
2 inch Orchid Fridmans Dottyback
4.5 inch Sleeper Goby
or: black">2 inch lemonpeel dwarf Angelfish
Zoa neon dragon eyes and Eagle eyes)
Mushrooms (True blue and Green striped)
Hammer frag
Bubble coral frag
3 small Kenya tree coral
Red Sea Fan 10 inch
Clove polyps
2 Cleaner shrimp
Diadema Urchin
Orange tree sponge
Sabre anemone
2 Canister filters 305 Fluval (70g capacity) and a Cascade for 100g
A 2.5g
in tank refugium with live sand mixed with Fiji mud, some small rocks and Red Gracalliia Macroalgae
ATO with a 10g holding tank under the cabinet w/utility pump and hose
Titanium 400w heater
Coralife 250 Skimmer
Coralife Elite 2 X 175w MH with 2 X 96w Actinic
e="color: black">48" Moonlight strip
2 fans
Canopy with the hood portion removed, lights are on a pulley system and hover over the canopy not in it.
RO 5 stage unit under my Kitchen sink with a TDS monitor on it.
Aprox 75 to 80 pounds of live rock and a 2.5 inch Live sand bed (goby arranges it into different depths)
I use API test kits, both a month old; Saltwater master kit and the Reef Master kit
I use Instant Ocean Reef Crystals
I put Reef builder by Seachem 1/4 tsp per 3g of RO top off water to maintain Alk.
Tank Temp remains between 80 and 82 degrees
Today’s test results:
PH: 8.0 (can't seem to get it above this would like 8.3)
Nitrates: 20
Calcium: 400
KH: 8
Phosphates: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Until yesterday I was dosing vodka 0.3ml
I feed the fish one thawed and rinsed cube of Mysis shrimp + one algae sheet
or gel pack of omnivore IO food. Per day. I add Zooplex for the corals 2xs each week.
LOL…I think that covers everything.