i need some suggestions



i need some suggestions on some nice fish for a aggressive 180 gallon tank or bigger :happyfish


yeah i know but nobody gave any suggestions they were just saying no about a clown trigger so i hope to get some suggestions over in this forum :happyfish


Active Member
Pick a fish that you definitely want that is compatible with the size of the tank you are looking at and work around that. For instance, if you want a lionfish, you now know that you have to avoid most triggers and all fish that are generally smaller because larger lions will eat small fish.
Plus, it does not help any when you post in one thread you are getting a 180 and in the other you are looking at a 240. What size are you really getting?


Active Member
i would throw my picks out there, but i wanna see the tank first and id oubt your parents are going to buy you a large tank if your getting rid of it in a year for college


im actually 10 years old and for my birth day in may im gonna get a bigger fish tank so im just planning ahead so i have a nice tank with some nice fish but i cant post pictures because my mom said her digital camera doesnt do it


but trust me im getting the tank soon but if my mom gets a camera that posts pics then i will put pictures up but this is something i really am going to get


and also i have made a plan on a 180 gallon tank or bigger so ignore all the other posts of me saying that im getting one of the other size tanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
and also i have made a plan on a 180 gallon tank or bigger so ignore all the other posts of me saying that im getting one of the other size tanks
well there you go again. You just said it there. You are getting a 180 or bigger. Which one is it? I would expect at this point you know what size tank you are getting so that you know what equipment you have to buy. You must not be getting this tank for quite some time. When I set my 210 up, I knew all the equipment that I was going to buy for it months in advance because I knew I was getting a 210 months in advance.


probably a 180 gallon tank but im not excactly sure what type of filtration :thinking:


im still doing research on the filration systems but im going to get that all figured out soon :happyfish


Active Member
well that is what you have to do before you begin to plan for fish. If you get a good filtration system, as well as a top notch skimmer, you will obviously be able to keep more than if you had not got the best equipment.


Active Member
i suggest holding off on searching for any fish yet as a possibilty as of yet once you get your new tank you will then know for sure what size it is and then do your searching from that get your new tank up and cycling and while that is taking place then look for the fish to stock it and as lion crazz stated chose one fish you want then work around it.