I need sympathy. I'm a porcelain crab killer


Active Member
The other day I was rearranging some things in my tank and since I had to take a couple of pieces of LR out for just a minute or so I laid them on a towel on the floor. Well, there must of been a porcelain crab on one of the rocks because today I was doing laundry and I found him on my laundry room floor! I feel so guilty, I must have put him thru the washer and then the dryer.
Hopefully he was already dead.


we were trying to kill some glass anemones on one of our rocks by pouriing boiling water on them and didnt realize our emerald crab was in the rock he fell out of the rock dead that sucked


I rearanged and added some LR and trapped my emerald crab. He didn't die just lost his claw and first leg. Hope he makes replacements.