I need to get a life


I am so much in to this stuff (for lack of a different word) that I will be starting a home business (aquarium maintenance). I will also have a web site that only deals with reef products and supplies. I will be online in January of 2009. I would like to here from everyone that has any ideas as what I should do. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I will not take customers from saltwaterfish.com as I only want to sell reef products. I will list them as a supplier on my web site. What I want to know is what would benefit your understanding of how to keep a reef aquarium.


Well-Known Member
I will speak from personal experience right now. Running a business or a retail store or even a maintenance/service business is very, very difficult.
Saltwaterfish.com will not be a supplier for you. They do not sell wholesale. Plus, you will be very pressed to find any dry good suppliers that are willing to drop ship anything for you.
Most suppliers require a brick and morter building in which they deliver. If you do not have a "retail pet store" that is in the correct zone according to your city, you can not get any suppliers.
Also, you can not sell dry goods and store dry goods in your home because your not zoned for it. I'm just trying to let you know all of this before you get your hopes up too much.
I don't know what the demand for aquarium maintenance is in your area, but I'm pretty sure that it is pretty tight. The only way I get service accounts is because I own a store. I tried to get maintenance accounts without a store, and it was extremely difficult.
Many live fish store owners that I have talked to right now said that they would probably be shutting down right now because they aren't making their overhead unless they had their maintenance accounts. I feel the exact same way right now.
Also, keep in mind that not everyone keeps as clean of a house as you might. You will get all sorts of people in all walks of life and you might get some really weird and dirty - fecal ridden houses with shady women/men...
Unless you are great at advertising, have a chunk of change in your pocket to get started, want to keep this as a hobby and have fun and have the drive and willing to take the risk- don't do it. Just enjoy it as a hobby, and maybe you can help your fellow hobbyists set up their tanks.


Well-Known Member
In addition to all of this, I can also say from experience that clients can also be a pain in the butt. Customers are always needy and always want you to solve their problems in one service instead of taking the time that is necessary to get the job done.
If you don't have the access to wholesale dry goods, your profit margin will be very small. Think about all of the costs involved. Salt, filter media, carbon, time, gas, insurance...
Oh yes, insurance. It's difficult to find someone who is willing to insure you. And let me tell yah - they will ask tons of questions. It cost me $55.25 a month for general liability insurance for customers houses and 74.95 a month to insure my store.
I'm just letting you know - it's difficult, especially in todays economy. That's why I also clean bird cages, dog kennels, scorpion cages, turantula cages, lizards, frogs, and everything in between...


Active Member
Just out of curiosity snakeblitz have you found wholesalers that have prices that are better than what you can find online at places like the Dr's? At the prices my LFS is selling dry goods at here he could purchase them online and still make 20% or more. Salt is a great example, a bucket of reef crystals is about $80 + tax(6%) and I can order it for about $40 including shipping. From what I have seen wholesalers are not competing with online companies or the local stores have unbelievable markups and they have no one to blame but themselves for losing business to online vendors. What are the advantages to using a wholesaler if it isn't better pricing?
Sorry to kinda hijack this thread but thought this might be useful info for the OP also.


It seems to me that what SnakeBlitz is trying to do is gently remind us all just how hard it is to start a business, especially in the current economy.
It's hard to compete with a web site when you have to pay rent or a

on your property, insure it, pay the utilities, pay employees etc.
There's a lfs very close to my house, owned by a nice guy who is trying very hard to keep it going. He's been there two years, and is just barely managing to keep his head above water.
He has reasonable prices, but not much inventory.
The other lfs I go to is much larger (in a stand alone building) with tremendous display tanks and aquariums, lighting, filtration, livestock, etc. galore. Their prices are much higher than the little guy, but I occasionally buy stuff there becaus the little guy doesn't have it, or can't get it.
One thing I make sure to do is buy thing from the big place. If they go under, I'll be left here without the ability to go in and see things personally, hold them in my hand and evaluate them before I buy. As much advise as I can get here, and on all of the other web sites, that tactile experience is worth a lot to me.
I try to spend my money at the small local place as much as possible because I've become friends with the owner, and really want to see him succeed. What I won't do is go into the big place to do reasearch on something I'm going to go home and order on line. That's just wrong.


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is don't quit your day job!
I had to work three jobs to keep my store going. I slept on Sundays. It's definately not easy starting your own business. Now that I'm two years into mine, I'm still eating Rom'noodles and hotdogs on a general basis.
If you really want to do the aquarium maintenance business, I'll give you some pointers. Just PM me.
Natclanwy, You would be amazed at the markup from wholesale to retail. If you want to know more about it PM me too.


New Member
As i have owned 3 retail stores I will tell you dont do it because the overhead, advertising and so on it is just crazyness. But I can tell you one thing atleast I got sleep when I was open 9-5. Now i get maybe 3-4 hrs a day cause im open 24 hrs a day with 9 people working for me running 2 businesses. Stick to a day job where you get a weekly paycheck, and BENEFITS.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Taximan
As i have owned 3 retail stores I will tell you dont do it because the overhead, advertising and so on it is just crazyness. But I can tell you one thing atleast I got sleep when I was open 9-5. Now i get maybe 3-4 hrs a day cause im open 24 hrs a day with 9 people working for me running 2 businesses. Stick to a day job where you get a weekly paycheck, and BENEFITS.
Owning a store or even a maintenance business - a business in general - you are NEVER guaranteed to get paid for your work.


I'm sorry but you forgot something! You're a marine aquarium junkie. You're not allowed a life.


I'd like to chime in also if I may,
I have been working at a LFS for over a year now, The owner has been in this location 10 years, and doing saltwater for 30. The accounts are what keep us going atm. What has been said here is very true. You will see and be asked about things that will just make you walk off and bump into things just trying to wrap your mind around what some people do or want to do. I manage the store while the owner does instals and maint. I have 30 plus tanks on 8 systems what with orders, customers, ect. I work 30 hours minimum there and my full time night job. I could easily use another 15 hours per week. The store I'm at only does salt water but we also do koi. Won't even go there lol ( just some fancy painted carp LOL). It boils down to having a true passion for the work because the money isn't there.
Just my 2 cents


Active Member
I will also tell you to research the local market. It's crowded down there in So. Flo. There are already a number of aquarium service companies/LFS's that home service as well. Make sure you can establish a customer base, and aren't trying to suck from a well running dry. Also demands are pretty high due to the competition. Make sure you can legitimately compete and aren't just some guy with a couple tanks he wants paid to setup.


Active Member
Its already a lot of work maintaining your own tank to do it for others is even more work and challenging and also you want to keep their stuff alive.


Last year I bought an Ancient Mariner filter/vacuum system about the size of an old-style steamer trunk that returns the water to the tank. My idea was that if a local kid I know could make a few bucks servicing other clients I'd buy the equipment and get mine done for free.
Seemed like a good idea (from my point of view) until I got paranoid.
When a service uses their own equipment isn't there a huge risk of carrying a pathogen or paracyte from tank to tank?


Sorry guys, I am on here on Fridays most of the time. I have been busy setting up aquariums. I don't have a big costumer base just yet, but I am trying. I just did two installs and everything is working, only one small leak damn canister, LOL. I will launch my web site in January 2009 and start selling there. I still need to do the lights on one tank tomorrow and set up their DSB Refugiums in a week. I like to let the water flow for a while before I add the sand and micro. I am unemployed right now so what else can I do to stay busy? I might as well just do my own thing and enjoy it. I hope that when I get a good enough reputation here that I can make a life at it. I have had my hands in saltwater since 1982 so I think I know a little bit. I don't know it all and I never will. If I can take a hobby that I truly love and make a money then why not? If anyone needs anything from me then just let me know. Advice is free shipping costs money.


Active Member
must be fun spending other peoples cash on something you like to do.
i have a decrative concrete busines for over 15 yrs now.if i see something in a magazine i will talk a new customer into it just so i can do it.
nice to get paid for it and i get a picture for my website to boot.
good luck there are still alot of people with money out there