I need to QT my clown QUICK!


Sadly I have a clown fish that has fallen sick. His eye is extremely swollen to the point I would say it is 3 to 4 times its normal size. He was swimming on his side at the top of the tank on Monday morning. Thinking he would not make it I took him out and dipped him in a 50% freshwater 50% salt mix with a medicine called hydroplex just to try and help him. I have had success with this in the past. Oddly he is still doing the same thing this morning and he is still eating making it 3 days. Sinve I never thought he would make it this long I now am worrying he could make the other fish sick. I am thinking about going to my LFS and buying a 7 gallon eclipse all in one tank to use as a QT tank.
What I would like to know is can I use the water staight from my main tank to avoid the cycling process? I know my clown is short on time and other than dipping him again I am out of options. Do I have anything to worry about with using the main tank water? If I do this I can then medicate him which I cannot do in my reef tank! Please let me know what problems I may have or things I need to do!


Active Member
You can use the water from your main tank to setup your q-tank. Since you do not have the tank cycled you will need to do frequent partial water changes to keep the tank from cycling durring the treatment of your fish.


Staff member
The FAQ thread at the top of this forum should answer most of your QT questions.
If I were you, I'd get a QT a bit larger than 7 gal. At least 10. Treat the fish with Maracyn Two for SW fish, double dose, doing a water change and carbon filtration just before each re-dose.


well, you can use your main tanks water and use an ok filter and heater(unless your using an Eclipse). reasearch stuff about your clowns eye and then put in medicine to treat the disease.