i need woman help




Originally posted by pwnag3!!
:happy: I just want someone that is happy to see me and i can make smile all the time.

Just wanted to point out... That statement is incredibly sweet!!:)


well here is how it went..
I asked her at work... just straight up if she wanted to go to eat tomorrow or something...
She said yes and i was pumped.
But when she left i called her and she told me that she switched shifts with another person... sfter knowing that we had plans.. I was bummed...
I call her when i get off work and tell her that i was looking forward to taking her out tomorrow... and we started talking..
Basically she did think that i was going to use her as a rebound.
I explained to her that i was unhappy in my relationship for along time and if i had wanted a rebound i would have done so by now..
I then said that i was intersted in going on a few dates with her if it was ok. She said i was very sweet and she would like to go out with me... so thats cool.
I guess it just took alittle explaining in the end. So looks like we are going out on thursday wherever she wants to go.
PWNAG3!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
*edit* I just texted her that i appreciate her listening to me and hearing me out.
she replied "thank you for caring about me"
makes you feel all warm inside huh?

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
and started listening to my old metal and hard rock stuff i grew up on. I love it i cant get enough
i have never hit her but i have a violent temper.
Im going to anger management classes now on my own will to try and be a better person

Take my advice, or leave it, I don't really care, and I'm not going to argue about what I am about to say. This is something for you to consider, just think about it, again, I'm not trying to offend you here. I used to be the same way. Always wanting to hit people, etc.
I used to love metal music and "gangsta" music. When you really think about it, try not listening to anything but nice, smooth, relaxing, happy music for a month. Just bite the bullet and do it. No metal, no rap, no fools on mtv in ridiculously dumb music videos, NONE. Just nice, smooth, easy listening.
It makes life so much smoother. I had a hard time listening to easy music at first, but it made my life so much smoother and easier and stress free.
I now 100% believe in the fact that music and television directly impact youth and behavior patterns. It is a shame it took so long of my life to learn this lesson and that I couldn't tell others.
JMO, not looking for any arguments here, but pwnag, just consider what I told you. I'm not telling you what to do, just giving you a suggestion. Remember, if you can't live without it, or can't get enough like you said earlier, maybe it is a problem?
good nite


Active Member
well, I like her already. She is smart and says whats on her mind. :yes: That was the thing I was worried about.....the rebound. But at least the air has been cleared. Just keep it all simple and informal.


I guess it just took alittle explaining in the end.QUOTE: from PWNAG!
Best advice you could have given yourself! I've been married 22 years, yes 22
No one can have anykind of relationship (lasting) relationship without open and honest conversation. Talk about anything and everything, But you must also listen with an open ear to what her concerns are. Validate her thoughts, even if you dont AGREE, they are HER thoughts and must be respected!
You cant go wrong!


Active Member
Awesome! I'm thrilled for you! CONGRATES, and glad to hear the air is cleared on the rebound thing...
nflnutswif, I'm totalling with you, I have been married, it will be 20 years in Sept. We have a AWESOME relationship, based on honesty, communacation, respect for each other and love. He is my BEST friend.


Blueberry, If your husband looks ANYTHING like your avatar. . .I'd say who needs conversation w/ that eye candy!!!
I live by what I say! And our mutually compatible hobbies and intersts help! HENCE THE: NFL NUTS WIFE!
(big smile)
Happy Anniversary! ours is sept 17 also the birthdate of our first son!


Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
She said i was very sweet

Wait a minute, are we talking about the same pwnag3?


yes... there is a less harsh and abrasive side when it comes to the finer things in life... aka the ladies
Im very romantic.. go figure.
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


we were supposed to go out tomorrow... well i thought. It was a maybe already but i was confused... and she has a big project for school due.
But i asked if we could shoot for sunday... since we both work the rest of the week.
Her reply was.... "i dont know... maybe but im not sure yet.."
do you think im wasting my time?
i still have a feeling she thinks she is a rebound... but i dont want to aggrivate the situation by trying to explain myself again.
should i ask her if i am just wasting my time?


Sound like things are goin ok...remember that things will get in the way sometimes and plans can be broken..dont be paranoid like I get and think thats shes trying to get rid of u. also remember that u wanted to take things slow....well this is slow so thats a good thing.
But at the same time give her, her space and let her figure out a time....or at least wait 4-5 day before asking her again...if u make ur self seem despearate by asking everyday it will just re-enforce in her mind that she think she is just a rebound.
btw i do agree with wat tony detroit said as i was in a similar situation...u sound like ur a good, smart bloke.
all the best :happyfish


Active Member
:notsure: hmm......now I'm thinking wait a few days. I think she is interested, but just a little leary. Give it a few days.
If she brings up Sunday thats great, if not give it some time.