I need your prayers


Hey guys,
I found out today that my cousin, who is serving in Iraq, got hit with a car bomb. He was in the military vehical, the car pulled up and exploded. He never saw it comming. They look like any other vehical with a civilian driver. He is alive, but in terrible condition. The car wasn't the very next car to the vehical he was in, but a few over. Anyway, they are trying to pull some of the shrapnel out of his face now. He is going to be transferred to Germany. They are hoping to save his arm. It is not looking good. There was alot of damage. As far as other damage, we don't know yet. I ask you all to say a prayer for him. His name is steven. He is only 23 and has been active in the Army since he was 18. The power of prayer is very strong. I ask all of you to please help. He is young, hasn't married yet, and has devoted his life to this country.


Thanks guys. It realy means alot to me. I could not believe the news when I heard it. I will definately keep you all updated. I just pray he will be alright. It is likely that he may lose the arm. It is pretty messed up, but his face is covered in shrapnal. It is so sad, he has his whole life ahead of him, now he will be permanantly disfigured and who knows what else.


Consider it done. And to all our service men and women THANK YOU!


Active Member
PRAYERS all around. Germany is a good place to be IMO right now. They are very good in "war wounds". My Dad is a retired Colonel in the Army and has always spoken highly of their hospital. I believe Bob Woodruf credits his life/brain being saved in Germany. Give my thanks when he comes home!!!


Active Member
What a brave man!
My prayers are with him.
The men and women of war deserve so much recognition for the stuff that they go through!


Staff member
Sorry to hear this, sep. He and the family will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless him for what he has done to serve his country.


Ilene, the family and Steven will be in my prayers. I will lift them up tomorrow at church during our joys and concerns.


Active Member
What can one say ?
In my heart and thoughts I have so many...
My love and prayers go out for you and yours and all.