I need your prayers



Hang in there Sep...Landstuhl Regional is one of the best,if not the best military hospital in Europe.
A prayer has been sent.


Active Member
Brave Man and a REAL AMERICAN HERO! You know what SEPU? I am not a praying man and dont have very much faith. BUT I will definately start to pray for him now with every ounce of faith that i have!
Good Luck!


I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. My father in law is in Iraq right now, his unit is the one that has to look for the roadside bombs along the highway. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your cousin. GOD BLESS !!!

mr. guitar

Father in the name of Jesus...
Please help Steven in this terrible time. Release your wonderful healing powers on this great man serving our nation. Help his family cope with this situation and everyone else who is serving this awesome nation and their families. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Can't pray for you (atheist..), but i give you and your family my best wishes and hopefully everything works out ok.


Thank again guys, it realy means alot. I called again this evening and still no word. Gosh I sure hope, in this case, that no news is indeed good news.


Originally Posted by bellebelle
I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. My father in law is in Iraq right now, his unit is the one that has to look for the roadside bombs along the highway. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your cousin. GOD BLESS !!!
My prayers are with your father in law as well. When will this nonsense be over?

jessi p

Sending good healing thoughts for your cousin. Please tell him thank you from West Virginny for serving our country. That is what makes an American Hero.


Lifted Steven and the family up in church this morning. Tonight started our Revival so our choir sang at another church in town; I had people appraoch me tonight and ask if there was any new news. THATS how powerful prayers are.


Originally Posted by myreef05
Lifted Steven and the family up in church this morning. Tonight started our Revival so our choir sang at another church in town; I had people appraoch me tonight and ask if there was any new news. THATS how powerful prayers are.
WOW, my family and I cannot thank you enough! Thanks again to everyone that has been so supportive. I truely believe in the power of prayer and hope that he will heal. As soon as I hear some news I will share it with you all. Thank you so much again.


Ok, I got some news today. He is in Germany now. They got all of the schrapnel out of his face. One large chunk went streight through his nose. He will have to have reconstructive surgery on his face. His face, chest, shoulder, arm and leg all have 3rd degree burns. His hand was completely crushed. They are hoping that with a series of surgeries on his hand that he will be able to use it again. Apparently there is not one bone left in his hand that is intact. He is comming back to NY after all of the surgeries to rehabilitate. Then, GET THIS, he wants to go back to Iraq to war. The man is barely recognizeable and all he is thinking about is getting fixed up and going back out there. To top it all off his 21 year old step-sister just got informed that she is going over there to war! WOW! Again, thank you all for the prayers. He seems to be recovering. He just has to have the surgeries and heal. He isn't going to look the same, but looks certainly are not on his mind at this point.


Thats great news. Your family and Steven are in my church's prayer chain. May God comfort him and the rest of the family as well. God Bless! Keep us posted Ilene.


Active Member
Great news. Most of the BRAVE TRUE fighters want to go back. They know what they are fighting for and would take their life for the country. People may not support the troops over there but they need support, if you dont want them there keep it to yourself. I would love to join the Air Force and Id be pretty mad If I got hate notes.Anyways he is still in my prayers and Im glad that he is fighting for us. God bless him! God bless America!


Active Member
I am so sorry... I just read this news for the first time today... I am glad he is recovering and will definetly keep him, you, and your family in my prayers!