I need your suggestions

Thanks, I do have a skimmer(Berlin Turbo Classic). I know I about the benifits of me getting more l/r and l/s but saying get 50 more lbs. is easier said then done. I'm not rich(risc), I have to buy it little by little. Today I purchased 10 more lbs. of rock.
I removed the bio balls yesterday afternoon. Once I get the light I'm going to add macro algae under the egg crate in my wet dry.
Sorry I didnt get here yesterday.....My HD has the lights and the SKU is 343-177...so they told me over the phone. Dont have box to verify...
LOA= Lights of America
I must have read it somewhere else b/c in my head was Lights of America! Still the salesman didn't help much. Ok, thanks and I'll go to the web site later on tonight when I get home from work.
Thanks Krusk I'll try that b/c HD has the LOA but not the one Trailer Trash recommened. I e mailed them with the SKU#. No reply from them yet.
Sometimes HD in different parts of the country dont always have same products and SKU..ie Southdown Sand.....Not availiable here and the SKU is unknown to the store.
The <a href="http://www.lightsofamerica.com/" target="_blank">LOA</a> webbsite also doesnt show same model #. The 9027 is close ....look under secrity lights.
Just make sure you get the 65 watt lamp. It will have a mogul socket and about six tubes and they claim this light produces light of 65 Kelvin. It is noticable more blue than others.

rabid frog

Active Member
I have a sump-wet/dry filter... was wondering why get rid of the bio balls... <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
Trailer Trash I just got the e mail back and you're right there is no LOA with that sku#. But I have all the info on the light fixture: Outside Security, 65 watts, claims it produces Kelvin.
The reason why I was recommended to remove MY bio balls is b/c I have a high nitrate reading and we a basically trying the process of elimination. I proud to say that I think that was the problem b/c when I got my water tested the other day it still was high but it took much longer to get to that dark red color.
So, I'm going to keep trying. Trailor, I only have 3 1/2 inches of l/s and 60lbs of l/r, should I just buy some new bio balls and add 1/4 of the old ones or do you think my biofilteration is sufficient with what I have? I do plan on getting more and once I reach the goal I'll do the macro algae thing. Good idea or bad?
I wouldnt add any bio-balls....thats a step backwards.
You need more LR and as golfish noted a little more sand. Since all fish are eliminated, you are ok for now.
125 right?
I didn't get back earlier b/c of my son's 1'st birthday! It's over now so all of my money can go back to my pretty little tank.
It's a 125 and should I add anything to the tank since there are no fish in there? The guy at the fish shop said to sprinkle a little bit of flake food in there every other day.