I never got tired of...........


I lived in FLA for 9 years in the 80's. We have a large family, so everyone would visit. I bet I have been to all the amusement parks in Central FLA at least 8 times........each.
My point you may ask?
I got tired of Busch Gardens, Disney, Epcot, etc.
BUT........I never got tired of going to Sea World.
I was going through some pics on the puter here, and came across a couple I thought you all might like.
Talk about AGGRESSIVE :scared: .............Peace



Wouldn't it be fun to jump in there and clean out the inside of those tanks? I'm not joking either. I envy the guy who gets to go swimming with those bad boys.


I have to tell you, I am very closterphobic, and that tunnel is big. The plexi is THICK, and I got the sensation that I was in the water. It is a cool exhibit. If anyone gets the chance to go there, I would highly recommend it.
I don't know about swimming with them.
I was watching R&R channel (also called the Water Channel at times) One program is called "divers down" They were taking people on shark tours. I think it was in the Bahamas. They were not aggressive to the divers at all.
Hundreds of sharks. Bull, Blacktip, Hammerhead, and about 5 other species. The divers went down with chum in a big bundle. The guy leading the excursion was "playing" with the sharks. Really! It was sooooooooooo cool.
Anybody else have any pics of your adventures?.......Peace


WOW!!! Those are some GREAT pics!! When we took our trip in Nov. we dropped off mom in SC and saw some bill boards advertising an aquarium, I wonder if it is the same one?
Those are some fantastic pics.. What kind of shark is the brown one?


Not really sure what kind it is. I think it said it was a bull shark. The 4th pic is my favorite, but it was much more fun to actually see them do that death spin in person.


I bet it was. What exactly is going on there? I see air tanks, is a person in that mix also?
When I see people swimming with sharks and no aggression shown on the sharks' part, I feel like learning to scuba, which we are going to get certified this summer for our yearly jaunt to the Keys, I don't get scared. But I have to tell you, my first snorkle trip in April made my tummy twinge a little. I held onto my man the entire time

I hadn't been snorkling in salt water before, here at the lake-yuk-but it was so cool in the Keys. I am a chickensh*t, kinda, I just think about "Jaws" and there goes my belly again

"I think we need a bigger boat!!!"

I love sharks though, any time they have specials on them, we watch. They are so, majestic, IMO. King of the sea. Ancient graceful giants of the sea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
Wouldn't it be fun to jump in there and clean out the inside of those tanks? I'm not joking either. I envy the guy who gets to go swimming with those bad boys.
It was a FANTASTIC job.



i have been diving in the epcot aquarium and it was awesome knowing you were in an aquarium, but the health of all the fish wasnt tht good


LOL! I'm so jealous!

... especially of the flattering attire! Woot!

So tell us, Ms. O., What was the most thrilling incident that happened to you in there?


Active Member
The primary issue is that it was a tunnel. Believe it or not it took people on a little train ride through this tank. So to clean you had to kind of jump up and scury over, but you didn't have a real clear view of the sharks swimming pattern. And you were concerned not dragging chain mail covered knees and hands over acrylic. Boss no like scratches :scared: (as an aside, I would definitely have gone in without...it was about 70% show, IMO, and 30% safety...I think overall they cared little for safety). Anyway, so I tried to get over at the wrong time, and came pretty close to the face of one of those sharkies coming over the tunnel. :scared: Thankfully I sank back pretty quickly. Another guy recently was smacked in the hand and wrist by the sawfish...that took some surgery.
The interesting thing about these guys is that they didn't like bubbles coming under them. So you really had to be careful you didn't spook them by accidentally exhaling underneath them.
But it was cool. Extremely cool


Triggered said:
I bet it was. What exactly is going on there? I see air tanks, is a person in that mix also?
The sharks were really cute. They were circling around the tank in different directions. Everytime they would meet one another they would swim in a quick circle then move on. The diver was actually 10 or so feet behind them cleaning the rock.
ophiura, where can I volunteer to do that?


Active Member
Actually several of the large aquaria do accept volunteer divers, so that is a place to start. If there is a local aquarium, see if they have a list (usually a waiting list) for divers. They may, however, require additional training. Diving in tanks is actually somewhat of a specialty, IMO.


Unfortunately there are no major aquariums near me. Though there are several within a few hours. I should look in to it. I hope my fish don't get jealous. "I love you more, I swear. But did you see the teeth on that one???"


Active Member
Usually you would be one of a rotation and you might not be needed very often, making the distance less of an issu. But it is worth checking into.


I know you have probably said, a dozen times.....but, what aquarium are you at in those pics? Were you working there? And........are you still?
A once in a life time opportunity for the majority of us, too cool that you are/were able to experience such a magnificent exchange with those animals
I'm sooooooooooo jealous

Not like I would have the cahungas to do it,
but it is way cool that you were able to!!!
I hope you are able to hook up with an aquarium to experience your dream
How exciting that it is actually a possibility!!! There is a new aquarium in SC, like I said, we saw billboards advertising it. Maybe you would be able to connect with them. What other aquariums are in your area. I know you said it would be a journey to get to one.
Thanx for sharing those pics you two, always a pleasure to enjoy. Anyone else have any cool pics from their adventures, either at an aquarium or in the wild? I have a couple of us snorkling on Looe Key Reef, forgot to bring the disc today. But they don't have any sharks in them.
They are pretty funny though.....................Peace


Active Member
I used to work at Landry's Downtown Aquarium in Houston, Texas where these pictures are taken. It is not a public aquarium in the pure sense. It is basically designed around a restaurant with an exhibit chain, etc, etc. I no longer work there, for a multitude of reasons....the I LOVED the work I hated the job