I ordered this book yesterday, have you read it?


Active Member
Very good book! Not quite as much detail as Fenner's Conscientious Marine Aquarist, yet, still has a lot of good info.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Very good book! Not quite as much detail as Fenner's Conscientious Marine Aquarist, yet, still has a lot of good info.
Actually, that's the next one I'll order, but since I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to handle salt water, I thought I'd get one book first. Then I talked to great lady at LFS, and she was very encouraging. Sooo, your recommendation is on my Amazon wish list (for Christmas!). Thanks!


Active Member
Awesome!! You will like both books a lot!
And hey, remember, if you have any further questions or just need some support, we are always here to help! :happyfish


Thanks! I'm looking at the fish on this site for photos and care levels, etc., to get an idea of what I like, so then I can use those books and the wonderful LFS lady. I'm realizing that I am very lucky to have a good LFS to use and someone who is willing to teach me. She said if there is something I want, she can order it if she thinks we can do well with it (at my experience level) and if she orders it for me, they'll keep it in-store to make sure all is ok before I purchase the fish. I thought that was really cool.


I really think so. Otherwise, I doubt I would do this. Their tanks are so clean, and they spent time petting the fish and really seem to know exactly who is in what tank, how long they've been there, how they are doing, etc. I love that she is willing to work with me and help me make sure my tank occupants will be compatible and healthy. :cheer:


Oh, and she wants to make sure they are fish known to do well in home aquariums. She said some fish just aren't meant to be taken from the ocean, and will not order or sell those just to make someone happy to have it.


Active Member
That is great that they are so conscientious in keeping everything healthy and happy.
Originally Posted by oct22baby
Oh, and she wants to make sure they are fish known to do well in home aquariums. She said some fish just aren't meant to be taken from the ocean, and will not order or sell those just to make someone happy to have it.
I totally agree. I have even gone as far as posted a full list of all the animals that I feel should not be kept in the home aquarium.


Active Member
i dont know how many have this one, but Reef Aquarium Fishes by Scott Michael lists feeding requirements, compatibility, and great descriptions about over 500 different fishes. i'd suggest this book to anyone along with the book above.


Active Member
Great startup read but is a bit dated now. I have it at home and bought it after I bought the tank and before I did anything else. Saved me alot of heartache. Every noob should read it before setting up a tank and asking questions on the intraweb. ;)


Originally Posted by fender
Great startup read but is a bit dated now. I have it at home and bought it after I bought the tank and before I did anything else. Saved me alot of heartache. Every noob should read it before setting up a tank and asking questions on the intraweb. ;)
Read the book BEFORE asking questions here??? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by oct22baby
Read the book BEFORE asking questions here??? :notsure:
Yes, it gives a good general knowledge base. Alot of people come onto boards asking what live rock is, what is a cycle, what is a skimmer, help I just bought a 10 gallon tank, some salt, a tang, an anenome some clown fish what do I do now, etc. Maybe it is just my way of doing things but I like to have an idea of what I am doing before I start asking for help. Not saying that noobs shouldn't ask for help, just that some research should be done up front. :)


Originally Posted by fender
Yes, it gives a good general knowledge base. Alot of people come onto boards asking what live rock is, what is a cycle, what is a skimmer, help I just bought a 10 gallon tank, some salt, a tang, an anenome some clown fish what do I do now, etc. Maybe it is just my way of doing things but I like to have an idea of what I am doing before I start asking for help. Not saying that noobs shouldn't ask for help, just that some research should be done up front. :)
Working my way through it, now am starting to have more logical questions. Wondering about the equipment I have on lay-a-way (which, of course, can be changed if needed).


Active Member
Originally Posted by oct22baby
Working my way through it, now am starting to have more logical questions. Wondering about the equipment I have on lay-a-way (which, of course, can be changed if needed).
Ask any and all questions that you may have!! We are here to help! :happyfish