I paid $40 for a tank of gas!


Folks: California isn't exactly an industry friendly state. Sorry, but you aren't going to see many new refineries go in there.


I paid $63.00 for a tank of gas today at $1.69 a gallon. Yes, we have a large SUV with a 44 gallon tank, but with 4 teenagers, a dog and a 30' travel trailer it is a neccessary evil. I have been looking lately for a cheap smaller car to run around in though.


Hey, do they really have 50 year mortgages for the so cal area? Thats still shocking me from reading that thread.


hell if i know. i've never done more than a 40 but now i'm just doing non-conforming loans. we don't exactly offer a lot of variety.



Originally posted by Purity
hell if i know. i've never done more than a 40 but now i'm just doing non-conforming loans. we don't exactly offer a lot of variety.

Even a 40 year loan is just insane! I can't imagine carrying debt that long. Hey did you get those links in the mail?


terms that long are only stupid if yer planning on always sending in minimum payments. the good thing though is that you can have the lowest payment because of the term length and the current rates right now.
this would be ideal for a younger borrower who may not make much NOW but will be in 10 or so years. at that time he can pay extra and have it paid off in the same timeframe as a 30 year or less but at least he had the low payments when he was first starting out.
i never got those emails dude. i did send you an email from my work account right after you posted yer addy. you get that one?


Active Member
HAHHAHA! Was up last night and showed an episode of 'Cheaters' on G4TV, and had to pause it. One confrontation was at a gas station, and as the cheater sped away, they caught the gas station sign, regular was $1.49. I flipped and couldn't believe it, as it seemed semi-recent. Looking at this thread now, I can guess sometime in 2004.
BTW, who exactly is/was arrone?